Tie Your Facebook Account Into Your Blog
I wanted to share some of the viral success I have been having lately using social networking.
In all the years I have been writing I have never seen the number of reads for my articles build up so quickly.
I am able to track this at EzineArticles and it seems to me it has tripled.
The primary reason is the number of people I have been making friends with on Facebook.
One individual after reading my article passed it on to 50 people.
Who knows where it went from there.
Write a decent article and it seems it will get to everyone.
It has been said that Facebook is a party and your blog is your home.
It seems some of you don't have a home yet and I want to encourage you.
Facebook is where you chat and mingle and get to know people on one level but your blog is where you invite people to know you on a more intimate level.
Don't be like the guy at the party who stands in the corner and won't talk to anyone.
I don't know if everyone realizes it but a blog will be crawled by the search engines spiders that are hungry for content.
If you want to know if your blog has a presence on the Internet simply plug in the name of your blog and your name into Google and see what comes up.
The same can be done for any article you have written by simply putting the "title of your article" in quotations in the Google search bar.
Personally I like to use blogger as my blog choice for a few reasons and here are a few things I suggest you should do if you use blogger.
1) Do change your blog template from time to time There a number of templates to amuse you if you get bored with one.
Simply click on layout and then choose a template.
You can preview it before you publish it and commit to it.
I find that lighter backgrounds with darker print are easiest on the eyes.
You can fool around with colors, fonts, or style of writing at any time on any template.
2) Do post a banner for your business on your blog This is done by pasting your html code from your banner in the blogger back office.
First click layout and then add a gadget.
Next select html/javascript and paste it in there.
Give it a title and click save.
Also create a badge from Facebook and add it to your blog.
You will find this on the bottom left of your profile page at Facebook.
3) Do have a YouTube area If YouTube is the number 3 most visited website (and Facebook is number five) getting billions of hits a day it will pay you to take advantage of this traffic.
Have a YouTube area on your blog where people can watch videos.
You do this by once again clicking add a gadget and then add video bar.
Don't check off anything in the set up area.
Only select the topic of the videos you want to rotate on you blog in the keyword area.
Punch in the keywords and leave it alone.
4) Do post to your blog regularly This freaks a lot of people out because they feel they have no content to use.
If this is the case don't sweat it.
Simply use other people's content.
Go to Ezine Articles and poke around.
Every article there can be republished as long as you keep the links from the author in tact on your blog.
There isn't an article writer with Ezine Articles that doesn't want you to post his article on your blog.
Take advantage of this.
Just remember to keep the author and his links on your blog post and you know longer have to fuss about having no content.
If you do write articles remember your posts are sent to the search engines each time you do.
5) Do embrace other blogs that are similar to yours If you tie yourself to other people's blogs and they to you there is reciprocal traffic everyone receives.
Try to post comments on other people's blogs and invite comments on your posts.
You can moderate them if you like which will require you to look over people's comments first and either reject or publish what they said.
Remember the more you comment the more links you have out there for the spiders to pick up on.
The power of social networking can propel you forward very rapidly if you are diligent.
Just do the little things daily and watch it snowball.
In all the years I have been writing I have never seen the number of reads for my articles build up so quickly.
I am able to track this at EzineArticles and it seems to me it has tripled.
The primary reason is the number of people I have been making friends with on Facebook.
One individual after reading my article passed it on to 50 people.
Who knows where it went from there.
Write a decent article and it seems it will get to everyone.
It has been said that Facebook is a party and your blog is your home.
It seems some of you don't have a home yet and I want to encourage you.
Facebook is where you chat and mingle and get to know people on one level but your blog is where you invite people to know you on a more intimate level.
Don't be like the guy at the party who stands in the corner and won't talk to anyone.
I don't know if everyone realizes it but a blog will be crawled by the search engines spiders that are hungry for content.
If you want to know if your blog has a presence on the Internet simply plug in the name of your blog and your name into Google and see what comes up.
The same can be done for any article you have written by simply putting the "title of your article" in quotations in the Google search bar.
Personally I like to use blogger as my blog choice for a few reasons and here are a few things I suggest you should do if you use blogger.
1) Do change your blog template from time to time There a number of templates to amuse you if you get bored with one.
Simply click on layout and then choose a template.
You can preview it before you publish it and commit to it.
I find that lighter backgrounds with darker print are easiest on the eyes.
You can fool around with colors, fonts, or style of writing at any time on any template.
2) Do post a banner for your business on your blog This is done by pasting your html code from your banner in the blogger back office.
First click layout and then add a gadget.
Next select html/javascript and paste it in there.
Give it a title and click save.
Also create a badge from Facebook and add it to your blog.
You will find this on the bottom left of your profile page at Facebook.
3) Do have a YouTube area If YouTube is the number 3 most visited website (and Facebook is number five) getting billions of hits a day it will pay you to take advantage of this traffic.
Have a YouTube area on your blog where people can watch videos.
You do this by once again clicking add a gadget and then add video bar.
Don't check off anything in the set up area.
Only select the topic of the videos you want to rotate on you blog in the keyword area.
Punch in the keywords and leave it alone.
4) Do post to your blog regularly This freaks a lot of people out because they feel they have no content to use.
If this is the case don't sweat it.
Simply use other people's content.
Go to Ezine Articles and poke around.
Every article there can be republished as long as you keep the links from the author in tact on your blog.
There isn't an article writer with Ezine Articles that doesn't want you to post his article on your blog.
Take advantage of this.
Just remember to keep the author and his links on your blog post and you know longer have to fuss about having no content.
If you do write articles remember your posts are sent to the search engines each time you do.
5) Do embrace other blogs that are similar to yours If you tie yourself to other people's blogs and they to you there is reciprocal traffic everyone receives.
Try to post comments on other people's blogs and invite comments on your posts.
You can moderate them if you like which will require you to look over people's comments first and either reject or publish what they said.
Remember the more you comment the more links you have out there for the spiders to pick up on.
The power of social networking can propel you forward very rapidly if you are diligent.
Just do the little things daily and watch it snowball.