Exercise On Master Cleanse: Do We Need To Do It?
Well exercise is not recommended during the master cleanse, but if an Individual is doing a daily regime of exercise then he can continue doing it. Every once in a while the body needs to be cleansed of stored fats and toxins. There is a process that can help remove unwanted toxins out of the body. This process is called detox.
Special lemonade needs to be made and consumed to enable the detoxification. The lemonade consists of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and spring or purified water. The maple syrup supplies the sugar needed for energy and needed minerals, since you will not be eating any food. The cayenne pepper breaks up the mucus and dilates the blood vessels. It is estimated that it will cost about $7.50 per day to make the lemonade, as well as the salt water mixture and laxative tea that are also recommended.If you get sick of the lemonade, you can occasionally have some mint tea to give your taste buds some variety. The Master Cleanse Diet plan promises that you will not feel hungry, but if you do, drinking some extra lemonade or water should eliminate any hunger pain within ten minutes. The rapid weight loss does come with some unpleasant side effects, such as food cravings, irritability, boredom, headaches, fatigue and burning bowel movements.
A detox regimen generally consists of diet and exercise. Many people lose weight and gain a lot of energy by shedding impurities from their bodies. Many afflictions and illnesses have been linked to the toxin from processed foods, air and water pollution. A detox regimen generally consists of diet and exercise. There is a diet that was developed about 40 years ago by Stanley Burroughs called the Lemonade Cleansing Diet this is also known as The Master Cleanse Diet. It has been said that this diet will eliminate and dissolve all types of fatty tissues while it detoxifies the body. Here are just some of the many benefits of Master Cleanse:
1. Help dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion in the body.
2. Help clean the kidney and digestive system.
3. Helps purify glands and cells in the body
4. Helps eliminate unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.
5. Helps build a healthy blood stream.
6. Helps relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries and blood vessels.
7. Helps preserve youth and vitality.
8. Helps restore healthy skin.
9. Mucus diseases like colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles will be dissolved and eliminated. The system will be clear of allergies which might have caused breathing difficulties and clogged sinus cavities.
10. Helps with weight loss. Now this is where a mild exercise can be done.Its up to the discretion of an individual.
Before starting any type of cleanse or diet program it is advisable to make an appointment with you doctor for an up to date health check to assess your present physical condition.