Blue Steel Male Review - How Does It Work?
The way they used to help men with this problem is they put their formula into mouth strips.
Most review online is overall bad when it comes to mouth strips, and this is because the overall view on them is that they are ineffective.
This product has actually been discontinued because of its ineffectiveness, which doesn't help other male enhancement companies that produce mouth strips to help treat erectile dysfunction.
The ingredients that were used in this product before it was pulled off the shelves weren't very impressive.
Not only did these strips not contain very many ingredients, but all of them were very ineffective as well.
Yohimbe was put into the formula, and it remained to be the only effective active ingredient that has a proven track record.
It was probably put in a very small amount though, which would result in not increasing sex drive, or helping with other erectile dysfunction issues.
The ingredients were natural though, so it wasn't pulled off the market because of side effects or anything like that.
The idea behind mouth strips that are used for male enhancement is that they are digested and absorbed a lot faster than pills and capsules.
This general idea really wasn't all that bad, but it seems most companies are having trouble developing an effective formula with this method.
The way Blue Steel Male strips were supposed to work is very much like the way male enhancement pills work.
It uses aphrodisiacs to stimulate sexual drive, and uses other ingredients to promote blood flow.
This is a very common method for a male enhancement supplement to work.
It is a shame that none of these companies have been able to fully develop a effective mouth strip, because they are very convenient to take, cheap to buy, and have other benefits like no one would guess they are a male enhancement supplement.
Many men did like the cinnamon flavor of the Blue Steel Male mouth strips, but that was really the only thing consumers liked.
It doesn't make for a good male enhancement if it is just a glorified breath strip.
The negative feedback and reviews from customers is what caused the eventual reason of this product getting pulled off the market.
At least his company is no longer available to men to buy, because products that do not work give male enhancement a bad name.