Dangers Of Smoking During Pregnancy
The period of pregnancy is the best time to quit smoking.
You'll feel better and have more energy to get through this pregnancy.
You will also be able to reduce health risks such as heart disease, cancer, and problems in your lungs.
What often happens is the development of low-weight babies and birth weight that is too small is a major cause of illness and disease in infants of premature death.
Therefore, let's stop your smoking habit for the sake of the fetus.
Choose a way to stop Do you want to quit smoking suddenly or gradually? Whatever way you choose "specify the last day of smoking" is not so far from the present moment.
Start planning the day a day filled with activities that can make you not remember the cigarette.
If smoking is only for your hands busy, try to play something else, such as pencils, buttons, sticks, knitting, cooking, writing or other things that can make you forget to take a cigarette.
If you smoke to reduce tension, try to do relaxation, listening to music a fun, walk away, massage or sex.
If you smoke for pleasure, seek pleasure in other ways and select atmosphere where no one is smoking.
If you smoke out of habit, Avoid situations where you usually smoke with friends who smoke, choose a place where smoking is prohibited.
If you feel the urge to smoke, pull the breath in the pauses in breathing at the end.
Start at the beginning of the program and remember that not every cigarette you will help your baby's sucking.
If you are intent and committed to do so would you get through it! In addition there are other facts you should know and deal with it, including: When you smoke then your baby is also smoking.
When you smoke, you inhale poisons such as nicotine and carbon monoxide.
These toxins can enter into the placenta, which is a network that connects you with your baby, whose function is to send oxygen and nutrients and dispose of droppings.
Smoking during pregnancy can lead to birth with less weight, premature birth, and infant mortality.
Passive smokers also CAN cause problems in your baby.
Smoking during pregnancy can cause your baby has a cough that is frequent colds, lung problems, delays in learning, and problems with physical growth.
Before you use nicotine replacement, discuss it first with your doctor, to determine what is best for your baby.
Your Plan to Stop: If you already started thinking about to quit, make plans and preparations you.
Some advantages for your baby: [-] Reduce the risk of your baby born weighing less, or were born too soon [-] Increasing the amount of nutrients and oxygen that is received by the infant [-] Reduce the risk of health problems in your baby [-] Increase the opportunity that your baby will come home with you from the hospital Some advantages for you: [-] Gives you more energy to go through pregnancy [-] Save money and can be allocated to buy your baby needs [-] Change your habits.
[-] Being among the people who do not smoke also can help you.
[-] Ask for Help to your doctor.
Your doctor will be very happy if it can help you find a program or tool to help you so that can stop them, such as nicotine patches, gum, straws, or other drugs.
The tool still contains nicotine, and can give adverse effects on growth and health of your baby.
[-] When you have the desire to smoke, look at the list of reasons to quit smoking you have posted.
[-] Contact the people who support you to stop, every time you want to smoke.
• Do not allow yourself to be among people who smoke or places that are not smoke-free.
You'll feel better and have more energy to get through this pregnancy.
You will also be able to reduce health risks such as heart disease, cancer, and problems in your lungs.
What often happens is the development of low-weight babies and birth weight that is too small is a major cause of illness and disease in infants of premature death.
Therefore, let's stop your smoking habit for the sake of the fetus.
Choose a way to stop Do you want to quit smoking suddenly or gradually? Whatever way you choose "specify the last day of smoking" is not so far from the present moment.
Start planning the day a day filled with activities that can make you not remember the cigarette.
If smoking is only for your hands busy, try to play something else, such as pencils, buttons, sticks, knitting, cooking, writing or other things that can make you forget to take a cigarette.
If you smoke to reduce tension, try to do relaxation, listening to music a fun, walk away, massage or sex.
If you smoke for pleasure, seek pleasure in other ways and select atmosphere where no one is smoking.
If you smoke out of habit, Avoid situations where you usually smoke with friends who smoke, choose a place where smoking is prohibited.
If you feel the urge to smoke, pull the breath in the pauses in breathing at the end.
Start at the beginning of the program and remember that not every cigarette you will help your baby's sucking.
If you are intent and committed to do so would you get through it! In addition there are other facts you should know and deal with it, including: When you smoke then your baby is also smoking.
When you smoke, you inhale poisons such as nicotine and carbon monoxide.
These toxins can enter into the placenta, which is a network that connects you with your baby, whose function is to send oxygen and nutrients and dispose of droppings.
Smoking during pregnancy can lead to birth with less weight, premature birth, and infant mortality.
Passive smokers also CAN cause problems in your baby.
Smoking during pregnancy can cause your baby has a cough that is frequent colds, lung problems, delays in learning, and problems with physical growth.
Before you use nicotine replacement, discuss it first with your doctor, to determine what is best for your baby.
Your Plan to Stop: If you already started thinking about to quit, make plans and preparations you.
Some advantages for your baby: [-] Reduce the risk of your baby born weighing less, or were born too soon [-] Increasing the amount of nutrients and oxygen that is received by the infant [-] Reduce the risk of health problems in your baby [-] Increase the opportunity that your baby will come home with you from the hospital Some advantages for you: [-] Gives you more energy to go through pregnancy [-] Save money and can be allocated to buy your baby needs [-] Change your habits.
[-] Being among the people who do not smoke also can help you.
[-] Ask for Help to your doctor.
Your doctor will be very happy if it can help you find a program or tool to help you so that can stop them, such as nicotine patches, gum, straws, or other drugs.
The tool still contains nicotine, and can give adverse effects on growth and health of your baby.
[-] When you have the desire to smoke, look at the list of reasons to quit smoking you have posted.
[-] Contact the people who support you to stop, every time you want to smoke.
• Do not allow yourself to be among people who smoke or places that are not smoke-free.