Does Jelqing Work Or is it a Big Joke?
We've all heard about this process called jelqing, which supposedly was used by men in ancient cultures to grow the length of their penises to as much as 20 inches in length.
Sounds so over the top that it makes you seriously wonder, does jelqing work? Can you grow to 20 inches in length? no, but would you want to? does jelqing actually work to increase length and girth safely, and effectively? the answer is a big fat yes.
Let's, however, be straight forward.
If you want something safe to achieve penis enlargement with realistic goals, then yes jelqing will do it.
If you expect to gain inches and inches over night, I don't know what to tell you.
Does jelqing work for every guy? It seems to yes.
The process is really quite simple.
It involves jelqing exercises that need to be done every day.
Each exercise is considered to be a complete "jelq" movement, and is referred to as "milking" because of the motion involved.
It is safe, so long as you do not over-do it, effective, so long as you are committed to doing it everyday, and can handle working on it for a few months.
How much can I gain from doing these? it varries, but if you measure both length and width of your penis before starting this system, you will probably notice results after only a month.
After a month you start to get more used to doing this consistently, and after a few months real results are reached.
The best part is you don't need to spend loads of cash on creepy looking pumps or stretchers that look like medieval torture devices, and that you aren't even sure will work for you.