An Objective People String Business Review
I thought it was a novel concept as a network marketing business, or should I say social networking business opportunity? People String is part of Big String Corporation and its registrant contact is Adam Kotkin of Red Bank, New Jersey.
Their business is essentially paid social networking.
They pay you to do what you normally do online such as email and interacting with friends via their services.
You will also get paid for referring your friends to get on People String on multiple levels, much like a traditional network marketing business model.
The company charges you to use services such as Netflix or IQ Booster quiz with what they called People Dollar.
You can purchase 100 People Dollars for $1 US Dollar.
It cost 850 People Dollars to join Netflix and additional for actually rent movies.
The above mentioned IQ Booster will cost you 269 People Dollars.
It's a niche, cute little community that you can buy real services with, but as I see it, it is not much of a money maker.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even some of the biggest blogging sites are still struggling to make the concept of social networking a viable business model.
Social networking works because it is FREE.
Even then, there are so many choices of which social media people want to partake.
There could well be fee based components within a free social networking site, but the operation as a whole cannot be fee based.
The reason behind that is this: People use social networking site to connect with old and new friends.
If they have to pay to get on a service, however cheap it might be, their friends have to pay to get on.
If they get on by themselves and their friends didn't want to pay or even the hassle to pay the admin for using the site, People String will experience mass attrition.
People invest their time in these sites and they want their contents and contacts to have access to them on social networking sites.
When there are a fee involved, it hinders users as a whole to put up content and make connections.
Why do you think that many, if not most of social networking sites are advertisement supported? Now, on a personal level, making money with People String seem daunting enough.
If you are using the free account, you will earn 50 cents every time you refer a friend to join the program.
They do need to verify mailing address to make sure it's not a bogus account.
It makes out to be 5 percent direct referrals and 2 percent thereafter.
Upgrading will up your direct referral percentage to 20 percent and subsequent to 6 percent.
It does cost $200 to upgrade.
That's US Dollars not People Dollars by the way.