How To Find A Person"s Address After You Lost The Address Book!
Now your daughter is getting married and she especially wants Great Uncle Bryn to come to the wedding.
You can't tell her you've not been in touch with your mother's brother for over twenty years and now you have lost that blooming address book things are just getting worse.
So just how do you find a persons address from scratch.
If it was just a case of Uncle Bryn moving and not forwarding his new address to you, which is what happened by the way, then all you have to do is send a letter to his old address and make sure your return address is on the envelope, then also write on the envelope "Do Not Forward - Correct Address Information Requested".
This is really cool because it will ensure that his forwarding address gets to you when the envelope is returned.
Before 1994 you could, in exchange for a small fee, request this information from the forwarding post office, this is not now possible, however the above method works fine.
Unfortunately this does not help you at all because you have lost that old address book so what to do next? Well one of the easiest ways to find a persons address is to use the telephone and just ring them up and ask for it.
Or if you didn't want to speak to them, you could use a reverse phone look up service to find their new address.
Oh! Sorry I forgot you lost that bl...
y address book didn't you! So that won't help.
Well the answer is fairly easy.
You obviously know Uncle Bryn's full name and probably have a good idea which state he is living in, so you can use one of the many online people search engines to find him.
It won't cost you anything for your preliminary search but some companies may want to charge you for extra information, such as his address and phone number.
In my opinion there is no need to pay these fees because with a little searching you can find companies that will give you free access to search results for something like 24 hours.
Good luck with you're searching and I bet you anything, that old address book will turn up after you have found Uncle Bryn.