Auto Defects - Defective Fuel Tanks
Since automobile fuel is usually petroleum based, such as gasoline and diesel, it is usually highly flammable.
With internal combustion engines, combustible fuels are a necessity to perpetuate motion.
This is why tanks are a necessity.
In addition to storing fuel, though, the tanks must be able to shield fuel against excessive heat or sparks.
Fuel tanks that are unable to provide these basic functions are defective.
Defective tanks can be highly dangerous to drivers and their passengers because, as previously stated, fuels usually have to be combustible.
Exposing this combustible fuel may put it in contact with agents that cause it to ignite.
Defects come in many forms.
Among the most common defects are:
- Bad design
- Faulty manufacturing
- Poor vehicle placement
- Faults in materials
- Failure to shield heat
Successful tanks, though, are not supposed to subject their fuels to this increase in heat.
Additionally, fuel tanks should be built with the type of fuel that they will store in mind.
Some fuels may seep through certain materials or may be reactive with the materials that the tanks are built with.
In many cases, defective fuel tanks are the responsibility of the automobile's manufacturer.
This is a type of product liability.
In some cases, third-party manufacturers or installers may be to blame, especially if the fuel tank has been replaced during the lifetime of the vehicle.
Before pursuing any legal action, it is important to hire an experienced lawyer for proper legal guidance.
The Milwaukee auto defect attorneys of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.
may be able to help you with your case.