Social And Commercial Marketing In The Uk Health Sector
The organisation that will be discussed is the National Health Services (NHS). Adrian (2002) explains that it is a public organisation that provides its services in Wales, Ireland, Britain and Scotland. NHS was formed with the main aim of bringing healthcare services closer to people. Before its formation, health care services were quite disorganised. Most people had to pay for services when they were receiving treatment. This problem has now been solved as patients are able to access health care even before they fall ill. The organisation is funded by trusts that finance health care providers who are then able to purchase health services from suppliers such as ambulance services, testing centres and care for the elderly. The NHS is driven by three main goals that is, to focus on the improvement of treatment, prevention and diagnosis of health services.
Commercial and social marketing are both issues that have received a lot of attention from the organisation. Although the NHS is a public organisation, it still needs to be able to carry out its services in an efficient manner. This necessitates the need to apply commercial marketing concepts in its operations. Social marketing will come in because the organisation deals with the public and is concerned about its well being. The definitions, applications and evaluations of the latter marketing concepts will be examined in detail below;
Definitions of commercial and social marketing
McGahan (2004) defines commercial marketing as the identification of customer needs and provision of those needs such that one can achieve their own objectives. Most of the time, these objectives are tied to financial gains. Any business can be divided into two aspects. The first one is creation of new and better ways to deliver and produce goods and services; what experts call innovation. The second one is selling the goods and services produced; what is called commercial marketing. The moment a business adequately caters for both these aspects, then they will be well on their way to succeeding. Commercial marketing is applied in any organisation that was formed with the specific aim of making profit.
Kotler et al (2002) defines social marketing as application of commercial marketing concepts in order to achieve a social good or a change in behaviour. They claim that one can interpret social marketing as a way in which organisations and businesses are able to achieve non commercial goals through the use of commercial methods. However, they are quick to add that this is only one aspect. Social marketing encompasses two areas, that is, the social sciences field and the marketing field. In light of these definitions, one must be quick to identify the fact that commercial marketing is centred on marketing approaches while social marketing is centred on Social policy. The phenomenon of social marketing has been applied in the past. For example in the year 1980, there was an anti-tobacco campaign conducted in Australia by a council called Victoria Cancer. Eight years later, there was another campaign called the ‘Sun Smart' which was basically campaign against skin cancer. Many countries have accepted social marketing as useful part of their day to day running and have therefore merged theory and practice. The US, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia are just some of the many countries using this concept in their day to day running.
The UK Department of Health (2004) asserts that they have been the frontrunners in the application of social marketing. One example occurred in the year 2004 when there was a government white paper called ‘Choosing health' other government initiatives in the region include ‘Health Challenge England' and ‘It's our health'
Kotler (1971) is quick to remind us that one must not confuse the concept of social marketing with bringing about a social good such that one can get more customers. Social marketing is restricted to the fact that there will be no profits made at the end of the endeavour. Many businesses have been doing lot of social marketing. But this is only part of building up their company image in order to achieve an added advantage over other competitor. Such businesses are engaging in public relations not social marketing.
Applications of social marketing in the NHS
Triggle (2007) reports the speech made by Tony Blair in which he goes back to the history of the UK. He claims that during the mid twentieth century, it was possible for the government to tell people about the kind of food that they should give their children. It had placed omega three strategically in many hospitals and parents were required to take those free offers as a compulsory measure by the government. He is quick to note that much has changed since those humble days. If the government were to use the same approach today, their efforts would be fruitless. This is because the UK has changed from a place that is dependent on the government and its authority. Besides this, the former Prime Minister realises that there are plenty of people in the UK who are living unhealthy lifestyles. There is a need to ask ourselves why such people are engaging in dangerous lifestyles. It is more important for the public to have a country that creates conditions conducive for healthy lifestyles rather than just telling people what to do.
Adrian (2002) that this fact forms the basis behind NHS social marketing strategies. The organisation realises that are many diseases caused by the lack of proper diets. This is especially in relation to the way many people in the UK just do not pay attention to the way they live their lives. The NHS has been working on the issue of obesity. It is conducting research on the possible causes of overeating or wrong eating. It is also implementing measures against this unhealthy practice. It has also dealt with the issue of stroke. It is trying to eliminate excessive smoking through advocating for behavioural change. The organisation knows that there are plenty of people in the UK who have made these unhealthy habits part of their lifestyles. He is trying to come up with ways that will empower members of the UK public to change adopt different, healthier lifestyles. Shown below is an illustration of some of the behaviours that NHS is trying to curb.
source: Triggle, N. (2007): From Nanny State to a helping hand; August 15th, Page 1, London: the BBC news
The NHS has created a number of project teams to incorporate the concept of social marketing more practically into their organisation. For example it has ` National Special and Marketing Centre to come up with a strategy that will allow them to implement social marketing into their operations. They claim that the purpose of doing this will be to influence the lives of people for the better. The organisation has come up with project teams. On top of this it has arranged for the certification of all social marketing projects by the NSMC. The projects will be directed towards local benefits so that social marketing creates tangible changes on ground. Besides this, the Company's project teams have come up with some six strategies that will enable them live healthy lifestyles. The sic principles are;
- creation and quantification of objectives in social marketing
- determining groups that are at high risks
- identifying what factors influence their lives; what and how they live
- identifying their motivations to adopt those lifestyles
- determine strategies in social marketing that have been successful in other parts of the country
The project team will implement these strategies possible this year and will evaluate the outcome of their proposals.
The NHS has also done some practical work in the sector of social marketing. Milner (2007) identifies certain areas that the organisation has worked on up to today through this illustration
Lead PCT
Approximate proportions
SHA Objective
SM Type of intervention
End Health Inequality
Improve Life expectancy
Drive to service
Improve our service
Achieve behavioural change
Lung Cancer
End Health Inequality
Improve Life expectancy
Drive to service
End Health Inequality
Improve Life expectancy
Achieve behavioural change
Improve Patient Care
Improve Life expectancy
Drive to service
Improve our service
Achieve behavioural change
"Brain Attack"
Improve Patient Care
Improve Life expectancy
Improve our service
Unplanned Care Local
Improve Patient Care
Improve our service
Achieve behavioural change
Unplanned Care Regional
Kirkless for
West Yorks
Improve Patient Care
Improve service
Achieve behavioural change
Making Leeds Better
Improve Patient Care
Improve service
Leeds/Bradford et al
Improve Patient Care
Achieve behavioural change
Current unallocated Projects
Data Provision/
Roll-out programme
Source: Milner, K. (2007): Update on the Yorkshire and Humble social marketing project, R Yorkshire and the Humber Social Marketing Project.doc accessed on 2/15/08
Commercial marketing in NHS
Public organisations might operate under the assumption that their clients will come to them for services whether or not they prioritize marketing, however, the NHS does not adhere to this belief, it realises that patient and other health care consumers are increasingly informed. With the advent of the internet, people are now able to access a lot of information about the operation, management and services provided by public organisations. It is therefore essential to make commercial marketing a priority within any organisation such that all stakeholders involved with the organisation may achieve their full potential.
Further more, the NHS has realised that there is increasing competition in the health department especially in private service provision. Health organisations have stopped being complacent and they have reinforced the belief in aggressive marketing for success. The NHS has seen that effective commercial marketing is not a one way street. It involves mutual exchange between the organisation and members of the public. Most people may assume that commercial marketing is simply looking to catchy phrases to appeal customers. Contrary to this commercial marketing occurs when there is a deep understanding of the customer's needs and the timely and adequate responses to that need.
There are several areas that must receive special emphasis when looking at the marketing concepts applied within the NHS. The first is market segmentation. Different services provided by the organisation require different consumers hence the formation of marketing segments. The NHS has to deal with the Department of Health, it also has to consider PCTS, there are also clinicians, to top this up voluntary and community groups also take part in some of Ness's operations. Perhaps the most important group are the patients. Some patients may come for surgeries or various types of operations. It also has portions that cater for the elderly. There are some patients that require specialist services like dental checks ups. There are some who may be coming for routine tests and x-rays. There are also others who are in need of emergency services. It is crucial for the organisation to identify all these various customers such that it can look for ways to satisfy their needs.
Hunger & Wheelan (2003) elaborate that branding enables customers to identify wit a certain Company and this is the motivation behind NHS branding strategies. Because the health department in the UK is a wide sector, there was a need to incorporate private service providers into the managing and carrying out of services. One marketing stagy that the organisation has used to achieve this is through the ‘co-branding' concept. Here, private health service providers working under the NHS are able o access facilities, materials or information owned by the NHS. In response, these same providers are expected to uphold the same principles that have kept the NHS on top of the health service provision in the country. On such principle is giving free service at the [point of delivery no matter what kind of income one receives.
Grant (2005) says that organisations must engage with the public, they must establish a connection with then such that they may be able to exchange ideas and benefit one another. NHS has incorporated this aspect of commercial marketing through conducting meetings with members of the public where they ask them about aspects of their services they would like improved. On top of this, they have also requested them to gibe suggestions to nay member of NHS staff when they have a problem. The Company has worked with many disadvantaged or sidelined groups like the elderly, the disabled and those who are not familiar with the English language. NHS has been known for its tactful dealings with the media. It has treated them as a partner nod not a foe with crucial information disseminated through various media outlets. On top of that, the organisation has also been able to engage the public through increased transparency. Most of its information and decisions are open to public scrutiny. The NHS has taken part n a number of charitable organisations like cancer treatment. It has also given numerous supports towards medical research especially because this is an area that fall under their jurisdiction. The NHS believes that when it creates such a close relationship with its patients and other consumers, all parties become ware of their responsibilities. Patients know about all the procedures to be complete before they can belong to the NHS while the NHS can focus on areas in its service provision that leave customers dissatisfied. Public relations as a marketing strategy for the NHS is responsible value addition within he organisation.
Adrian (2002) illustrates that the NHS has also incorporated crucial marketing tools in its affairs. First of all, it has engaged in marketing research in order to find out what works and what does not. It has also participated in face to face engagements. Here, an NHS trust or any other organisation deal with specific customers and tells them what health services are available for them. The NHS has also distributed a number of brochures that display information concerning the organisation. This is closely linked to the internet. In the age of information, people have realised that they have to sell themselves through company websites.
The NHS is a front runner in provision of social marketing tools through the use of research and advocating. It intends on focuses on the reason behind certain aspects of unhealthy living, and then it compels the public to make behavioural changes. The NHS has also engaged in a number of commercial marketing strategies like segmentation, branding and marketing communication. The difference between the two strategies is that the latter is done in order to gain some financial benefits while the former is done to effect social change.
county Hospital to NHS Trust: the History and Archives of NHS Hospitals, UK: Harvard Press
Grant, R.M. (2005): Marketing Analysis and marketing strategy; UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford
Hunger, J. D & Wheelan, T, L. (2003): Essentials of Strategic Management, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
McMahan, A. (2004): How Industries Evolve - Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance, Boston: Harvard Business School Press
Kotler, Philip and Eduardo L. Roberto (19971): Social Marketing, New York: SAGE
Kotler, Philip, Ned Roberto and Nancy Lee(2002): Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life, New York SAGE (ISBN 0-7619-2434-5)
UK Department of Health(2004): Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier, UK: Cmd Publishers
Milner, K. (2007): Update on the Yorkshire and Humble social marketing project, R Yorkshire and the Humber Social Marketing Project.doc accessed on 2/15/08
Triggle, N. (2007): From Nanny State to a helping hand; August 15th, Page 1, London: the BBC news