7 Self-Defense Options to Boost Your Confidence
Have you ever felt alone and defenseless in a situation where your instincts are warning you of possible danger? You have no weapon, no training in self-defense and your only option is to escape in whatever manner you can, heart racing, adrenalin pumping.
This doesn't have to happen.
You can prepare yourself for such a scenario and be confident in the outcome.
Your heart will still be racing and your adrenalin pumping, but you'll be able to use that in your favor.
There are so many non-lethal means by which any person can protect him or herself that it is difficult to understand why everyone is not protected in this day and age.
Here are some of the many options: 1.
Taking a course or class in self-defense.
There are many Martial Arts schools in most cities in the United States offering classes for all ages.
They will teach you not only how to defend yourself but will boost your self-confidence.
Instructional fighting DVDs.
If you can't find a Martial Arts class near you or don't have the time to attend, there are many instructional DVDs that can be found online, taught by masters of everything from street fighting to Israeli special forces hand-to-hand combat.
All of these videos will teach you how to take control of any attack situation and quickly disable your assailant.
Pepper spray.
This comes in many forms and sizes, even disguised as a lipstick container, jogging weights or a stunning ring.
They are all very effective in disabling your attacker long enough for you to escape and seek help.
Stun guns.
These also come in many shapes and sizes, some of which are disguised as items such as cell phones or lipstick containers, making them the perfect defense weapon for a date rape situation.
Stun guns come in many different voltages and are all effective in knocking down an assailant and giving you time to escape.
Personal alarms.
These are especially useful for young children to carry while walking to and from school or in any situation where they may be alone or separated from their family or friends such as at a fair or mall.
If anyone were to try to abduct the child, he or she could set off the ear-piercing alarm to attract attention and send the abductor running.
They are also good for the elderly to carry.
Stun Batons.
This weapon with its high voltage is useful not only as a weapon against a human assailant but can be effective against an attacking dog as well.
With the current running the length of the baton, anyone who tries to grab it from you will receive quite a shock.
Its length is also an advantage against a dog coming toward you in a threatening manner.
The main difference between a Taser and a stun gun is that the Taser fires 2 small probes that are attached to the Taser by insulated conductor wires.
The advantage to this is that it can be fired from a distance of 15 feet instead of having to be right next to the person as with the stun gun.
As the barbs attach themselves to the attacker, 50 thousand volts of electricity pass through the wires into his body, knocking him off his feet and giving you time to escape.
It also works as a regular stun gun if you happen to miss your target when you fire.
You will need to check your local laws before purchasing pepper spray, stun guns or Tasers for any restrictions or licensing.
These are some of the main options you have to help protect you and your family with and give you the confidence you will need if you are ever confronted by an attacker.
It's far better to have any of these defenses and never need them than to need them one day and not have them.
Be safe out there.
This doesn't have to happen.
You can prepare yourself for such a scenario and be confident in the outcome.
Your heart will still be racing and your adrenalin pumping, but you'll be able to use that in your favor.
There are so many non-lethal means by which any person can protect him or herself that it is difficult to understand why everyone is not protected in this day and age.
Here are some of the many options: 1.
Taking a course or class in self-defense.
There are many Martial Arts schools in most cities in the United States offering classes for all ages.
They will teach you not only how to defend yourself but will boost your self-confidence.
Instructional fighting DVDs.
If you can't find a Martial Arts class near you or don't have the time to attend, there are many instructional DVDs that can be found online, taught by masters of everything from street fighting to Israeli special forces hand-to-hand combat.
All of these videos will teach you how to take control of any attack situation and quickly disable your assailant.
Pepper spray.
This comes in many forms and sizes, even disguised as a lipstick container, jogging weights or a stunning ring.
They are all very effective in disabling your attacker long enough for you to escape and seek help.
Stun guns.
These also come in many shapes and sizes, some of which are disguised as items such as cell phones or lipstick containers, making them the perfect defense weapon for a date rape situation.
Stun guns come in many different voltages and are all effective in knocking down an assailant and giving you time to escape.
Personal alarms.
These are especially useful for young children to carry while walking to and from school or in any situation where they may be alone or separated from their family or friends such as at a fair or mall.
If anyone were to try to abduct the child, he or she could set off the ear-piercing alarm to attract attention and send the abductor running.
They are also good for the elderly to carry.
Stun Batons.
This weapon with its high voltage is useful not only as a weapon against a human assailant but can be effective against an attacking dog as well.
With the current running the length of the baton, anyone who tries to grab it from you will receive quite a shock.
Its length is also an advantage against a dog coming toward you in a threatening manner.
The main difference between a Taser and a stun gun is that the Taser fires 2 small probes that are attached to the Taser by insulated conductor wires.
The advantage to this is that it can be fired from a distance of 15 feet instead of having to be right next to the person as with the stun gun.
As the barbs attach themselves to the attacker, 50 thousand volts of electricity pass through the wires into his body, knocking him off his feet and giving you time to escape.
It also works as a regular stun gun if you happen to miss your target when you fire.
You will need to check your local laws before purchasing pepper spray, stun guns or Tasers for any restrictions or licensing.
These are some of the main options you have to help protect you and your family with and give you the confidence you will need if you are ever confronted by an attacker.
It's far better to have any of these defenses and never need them than to need them one day and not have them.
Be safe out there.