Affiliate Commissions with Pay Per Call
Pay per call is an amazing platform with huge potential. Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn an extra income and for some it makes them a lot of money full time.
In this current economic climate everybody has been affected in one way or another and everybody could do with extra money. The Internet has seen an increase in people searching for an extra income stream since 2008 and many are just after an extra few hundred a month to cover certain bills. However the potential to earn a full time income with lots of money is also there.
Affiliate marketing is very simple but can involve a lot of learning. The concept is simple but to get the results you need to learn how to move traffic. Some use free tools such as articles, classifieds, safe lists and SEO. Others use payed ads and PPC(pay per click). However the same goal is for all, and that is to move traffic through a page containing their link to a product or service which they are an affiliate for. Each time somebody comes through that link and purchases the product or service, the affiliate gets a commission. Sometimes a percentage, sometimes a fixed amount, and sometimes a reoccurring residual commission.
Affiliate Marketing has seen some fantastic marketers develop some great skills and produce life changing amounts of money. However, times are changing. In fact the Internet and peoples search paterns change all the time and with an increase in the number of people trying to make money online and try their hand at affiliate marketing has gone through the roof. Competition has increased and people searching have become wise to this. For some reason people will avoid an affiliate link and go straight to the company. All this amongst other factors mean affiliate marketing has become harder and the way in which it is carried out has changed.
This brings me to the new tool of affiliate marketing, pay per call. Pay per call is not necessarily new, but the need for this platform has just become apparent. With all the changes taking place and the Internet moving in a different direction, pay per call is set to be the affiliate tool of the future. As I write this article we are stepping into the year 2011 and pay per call is hitting the new year with massive potential.
Pay per call is going to be big because an affiliate will be payed each time a phone rings. Thats it in a nut shell. Instead of getting traffic to flow through your link and maybe purchase, they will clock up a commission each time a unique tracked phone number is used for a small offline business. The concept is huge. People use services all the time, Google are now using something called Google places to aid these smaller business and as an affiliate you can also get in on this.
The use of paper back directories such as white pages, and yellow pages, are becoming a thing of the past. More and more are turning to the Internet to find a business or service. Not only that, with the now wide use of smart phones, people are searching mobile. Using pay per call, you can earn commissions each time somebody does a mobile search for a company or service and phones them directly through your unique pay per call number.
I think you can see why pay per call is named the affiliate tool of the future and why affiliate marketing has changed.
In this current economic climate everybody has been affected in one way or another and everybody could do with extra money. The Internet has seen an increase in people searching for an extra income stream since 2008 and many are just after an extra few hundred a month to cover certain bills. However the potential to earn a full time income with lots of money is also there.
Affiliate marketing is very simple but can involve a lot of learning. The concept is simple but to get the results you need to learn how to move traffic. Some use free tools such as articles, classifieds, safe lists and SEO. Others use payed ads and PPC(pay per click). However the same goal is for all, and that is to move traffic through a page containing their link to a product or service which they are an affiliate for. Each time somebody comes through that link and purchases the product or service, the affiliate gets a commission. Sometimes a percentage, sometimes a fixed amount, and sometimes a reoccurring residual commission.
Affiliate Marketing has seen some fantastic marketers develop some great skills and produce life changing amounts of money. However, times are changing. In fact the Internet and peoples search paterns change all the time and with an increase in the number of people trying to make money online and try their hand at affiliate marketing has gone through the roof. Competition has increased and people searching have become wise to this. For some reason people will avoid an affiliate link and go straight to the company. All this amongst other factors mean affiliate marketing has become harder and the way in which it is carried out has changed.
This brings me to the new tool of affiliate marketing, pay per call. Pay per call is not necessarily new, but the need for this platform has just become apparent. With all the changes taking place and the Internet moving in a different direction, pay per call is set to be the affiliate tool of the future. As I write this article we are stepping into the year 2011 and pay per call is hitting the new year with massive potential.
Pay per call is going to be big because an affiliate will be payed each time a phone rings. Thats it in a nut shell. Instead of getting traffic to flow through your link and maybe purchase, they will clock up a commission each time a unique tracked phone number is used for a small offline business. The concept is huge. People use services all the time, Google are now using something called Google places to aid these smaller business and as an affiliate you can also get in on this.
The use of paper back directories such as white pages, and yellow pages, are becoming a thing of the past. More and more are turning to the Internet to find a business or service. Not only that, with the now wide use of smart phones, people are searching mobile. Using pay per call, you can earn commissions each time somebody does a mobile search for a company or service and phones them directly through your unique pay per call number.
I think you can see why pay per call is named the affiliate tool of the future and why affiliate marketing has changed.