Healthometer Instructions
- Your healthometer digital scale can be set to display weight measurements in pounds or kilograms. Use the selector switch located on the back of the scale to choose the desired type of weight measurement before use. Measurements will be more accurate if the healthometer scale is used on a hard, flat surface. Distributing your weight evenly over the scale platform will help you achieve more accurate weight measurements. Before each use, tap the lower corner of the scale to start the scale's calibration process. Wait for the scale to flash "---" and then "0.0," followed by either "LB" or "KG" before stepping on. The maximum weight allowance for a healthometer scale is 330 pounds, or 150 kilograms. If your weight exceeds the maximum allowance, or your scale needs to be recalibrated, an "E" will appear on the scale's screen.
- Care and maintenance will help your healthometer scale perform at its best. Proper care of your scale includes keeping it as clean as possible. When cleaning your scale, use a dry cloth to wipe the dust from the scale platform. Healthometer scales are not waterproof and must be protected from coming into contact with excess moisture. In the event that your scale is exposed to water, dry it thoroughly with a soft towel.
- Healthometer digital scales are powered by one CR2032 3-volt lithium battery. When the "Lo" message appears on your digital display, it's time to change the battery in your scale. CR2032 batteries are inexpensive and can be found in the jewelry and watch section of your local retail store. To replace the battery in a healthometer scale, remove the battery cover on the back of the scale by pushing the tab and pulling up the cover. Replace the battery and battery cover, and then run the scale's calibration program before use.