How to Reinstall Windows XP on an HP
- 1). Insert the Windows XP installation disc into your HP computer. Restart your system. Press a key during boot to boot from the CD instead of letting the operating system drive load.
- 2). Press "Enter" to begin the Windows XP installation. Press "F8" after looking at the license agreement to agree to it.
- 3). Select the hard drive partition with Windows XP currently installed. You can install over top of the current operating system installation if you do not want to reload your programs and files. However, this method may lead to system errors and problems over time. Press "Enter" to reinstall without cleaning the hard drive. If you want a clean install, select the partition and press "D" to delete the partition and "C" to create a new partition. Press "Enter" to confirm the partition settings. Press "Enter" and choose "Format the partition using the NTFS file system (quick)" to format the drive. The computer restarts once it completes the format process and file copy.
- 4). Use the drop-down boxes to adjust your regional settings if the defaults are not correct for your system. Click "Next." Enter your name along with your organization. Click "Next." Provide the product key for your installation. If Windows XP was preinstalled on your HP, look on the side of the case or the bottom of the laptop for your product key. Click "Next." Create a computer name and admin account password. Click "Next" twice. After the computer restarts again, you will boot into your newly installed operating system.