How to Get Abs - Unleashing Your Inner Six Pack
If you've ever wondered how to get abs, then you've probably asked the following questions: What are the best ab exercises? How do I get rid of love handles? How can I get that six pack look? Most people think you either have them or you don't.
The truth is there's no reason why you can't unleash your inner six pack.
That's why I've compiled 9 secrets everyone in search of a smaller midsection should know.
Start Your Day With Captain Crunch By far the hands down best way to get abs is the ab crunch.
Here's how: 1.
Lie on on the floor on your back.
Bend your knees and cross your arms across your chest.
Tilt your head up slightly and pick a spot just below the ceiling to focus your attention.
Exhale, then squeeze your abs bringing your shoulders a few inches off the floor and towards your knees.
Hold the squeeze at the top for 2 seconds.
Lower your shoulders keeping constant tension on the ab muscles.
Don't go all the way back to the floor.
Constant tension is the key to getting the most out this exercise.
Repeat for as many times as you can.
Also, by working your abs first thing before you eat breakfast, you'll burn more calories.
Letting Go Of Your Love Handles If your looking to target those pesky love handles, then try side bends: 1.
Start standing, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on your hips.
Tilt to your left, keeping your head and back straight.
Tilt back to a upright position.
Do the exact same thing but tilt to the right.
That's one repetition.
Now do as many as you can.
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should Unlike other muscles your abs can be worked out on a daily basis, but I wouldn't recommend this.
Your muscles don't grow when you workout.
They grow when you rest, so take it easy on your midsection and you'll see faster results.
Get On The Ball The one piece of equipment you should own if you're trying to flatten your midsection is a swiss ball.
It's one of the best ways to increase intensity and speed up the results of your ab workout.
You can find them at Wal-Mart, Target, even Barnes and Noble and Borders carry them.
They're very inexpensive and versatile.
Unleashing Your Inner Six Pack The truth is, you were born with a six pack and it is still there! The problem is that no one can see it due to water and fat in the stomach area! Ab workouts alone won't bring out that inner six pack.
You need to eat a sensible diet and get more exercise.
Here a few simple tips to get you started: 1.
Stay away from white carbs.
Drink lots of water.
Instead of eating one or two meals a day, break those into 5-6 smaller meals spaced throughout your day.
Park far away from the entrances of the mall and grocery store.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Take your kids outside and play.
Go for a walk with your significant other.
Stress is a huge cause of weight gain.
I hope this helps take some of the mystery out of how to get abs.
Remember, it's not hard to unleash your inner six pack, watch what you eat and add some simple exercises and you'll be on the way to a flatter stomach.
The truth is there's no reason why you can't unleash your inner six pack.
That's why I've compiled 9 secrets everyone in search of a smaller midsection should know.
Start Your Day With Captain Crunch By far the hands down best way to get abs is the ab crunch.
Here's how: 1.
Lie on on the floor on your back.
Bend your knees and cross your arms across your chest.
Tilt your head up slightly and pick a spot just below the ceiling to focus your attention.
Exhale, then squeeze your abs bringing your shoulders a few inches off the floor and towards your knees.
Hold the squeeze at the top for 2 seconds.
Lower your shoulders keeping constant tension on the ab muscles.
Don't go all the way back to the floor.
Constant tension is the key to getting the most out this exercise.
Repeat for as many times as you can.
Also, by working your abs first thing before you eat breakfast, you'll burn more calories.
Letting Go Of Your Love Handles If your looking to target those pesky love handles, then try side bends: 1.
Start standing, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on your hips.
Tilt to your left, keeping your head and back straight.
Tilt back to a upright position.
Do the exact same thing but tilt to the right.
That's one repetition.
Now do as many as you can.
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should Unlike other muscles your abs can be worked out on a daily basis, but I wouldn't recommend this.
Your muscles don't grow when you workout.
They grow when you rest, so take it easy on your midsection and you'll see faster results.
Get On The Ball The one piece of equipment you should own if you're trying to flatten your midsection is a swiss ball.
It's one of the best ways to increase intensity and speed up the results of your ab workout.
You can find them at Wal-Mart, Target, even Barnes and Noble and Borders carry them.
They're very inexpensive and versatile.
Unleashing Your Inner Six Pack The truth is, you were born with a six pack and it is still there! The problem is that no one can see it due to water and fat in the stomach area! Ab workouts alone won't bring out that inner six pack.
You need to eat a sensible diet and get more exercise.
Here a few simple tips to get you started: 1.
Stay away from white carbs.
Drink lots of water.
Instead of eating one or two meals a day, break those into 5-6 smaller meals spaced throughout your day.
Park far away from the entrances of the mall and grocery store.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Take your kids outside and play.
Go for a walk with your significant other.
Stress is a huge cause of weight gain.
I hope this helps take some of the mystery out of how to get abs.
Remember, it's not hard to unleash your inner six pack, watch what you eat and add some simple exercises and you'll be on the way to a flatter stomach.