Freestyle Motocross Tips
- Motocross is dangerous enough on its own but when you throw in the prospect of insane tricks on top of that, you are looking at an incredibly risky sport. Take all the necessary precautions to ensure that you walk away from any accidents by wearing proper fire suits (which are often padded) and helmets. Furthermore, know your limits and don't try to pull off near-impossible tricks. Odds are you'll wind up in the hospital.
- Learn how to properly shift your weight while on your bike. That is key to pulling off the best tricks, as well as landing without flipping over the handlebars and skidding to a stop a quarter-mile away from your bike. There is no easy way to learn how to do this, and the only method that is truly successful is learning by getting on your bike and doing some basic tricks. Another method to get you familiar with properly shifting weight is by taking batting practice, of all things. The natural movements involved with a proper baseball swing are a textbook example of proper weight shifting.
- Take the time to watch experts and your peers to see how they pull off their signature moves. While you may not be able to do the same tricks they do, seeing their technique and how they position themselves prior to the trick can be invaluable knowledge that you can apply to yourself.