How to Begin Buying Stock Online
- 1). Buying Stock online is a great, easy, and inexpensive way to buy stocks. It's easy because you only have to go online and fill out the correct form to place the trade. You don't have to send anything through the mail or call anyone. It's inexpensive because the commission fees are much lower online with a discount online broker.
- 2). Begin the process by getting an account with an online brokerage firm. Many of these types of firms exist on the internet, but you have to sign up with a legitimate firm that has a solid reputation and good online security. You have to KNOW that your money is safe.
- 3). Sign-up, send in the proper forms, and soon you'll have your own brokerage account.
- 4). Decide on the stock you want to buy. You have to decide you will make a wise investment by researching and doing your homework. You will spend time researching some corporations only to decide they are bad choices. You may want to invest in them anyway, since you spent all the time researching. Don't do it. You have to remember: This is investing, not gambling!
- 5). When you're ready to begin buying stock online, you will place the trade with your online broker.
- 6). There are countless books and extremely long articles dedicated to understanding how to trade stocks, when to buy or sell, etc. Pay attention, don't gamble, do your homework and sooner than you think, you will make money by buying stock online. [$23.10 @ 2,400]