LOST - What They Died For - Across the Sea
Communion The same wine Jacob had Richard drinking from is the same wine he once drunk from.
We hear his "mother" speaking in Latin as she passes the cup; then she says that they are the same.
This is similar to Christ's communion with the saints at the last supper and they become of one blood.
Jacob and Esau The biblical Jacob and Esau were warring brothers but one was favored over the other.
The Biblical Jacob stole Esau's birthright.
Lost's Jacob and Esau parallel these characteristics.
They were born at enmity with each other.
Jacob was a momma's boy and MIB/Esau was a man of the wild.
MIB/Esau was originally meant to be the chosen protector of the island.
This was his birthright and Jacob took it, just like in the Bible.
River of Light When they visit the river that runs into the light, they were told of how this Eden like point of origin must be protected at all costs.
There must always be someone to guard the light.
This light is somehow keeping the world safe.
I Chose You All Jacob gathers his surviving disciples for a last supper-ish dialogue where he explains everything he can.
He continues to conflate the theme of free will and predestination by saying: by choosing you all I have given you the one thing I never had...
a choice.
This choosing of his predecessors is similar to that of Christ where he says...
you didn't choose me but I chose you.
Water into Wine To paraphrase Sawyer, if Jack didn't already have a God complex - he does now.
When Jack originally came to the island, he didn't see the light at the center.
Jacob speaks Latin and turns water into wine.
After Jack drinks from the cup he will presumably be able to see the light.
Christ Figure? It is obvious that Jacob was the first Adam.
He messed up.
He made a mistake, unleashing a smoke monster that spews death.
As the first Adam others wondered "why do we have to pay for your mistake?" But Jack appears to be the second Adam; he plans to defeat death once and for all.
Questions: How come Esau could see dead people? When he went into the river of light did he become his true self? When the woman made it so they couldn't kill each other, did she make them yin and yang; good and evil? Where did the woman come from? Why does Esau want to go across the sea so bad? Other than hell, what could be worse than death? What did Ben mean when he said "I thought I was summoning the monster but he turned out to be summoning me"? On sideways world Desmond seems to be bridging the "real world" and the "unseen world.
" What could he be up to?
We hear his "mother" speaking in Latin as she passes the cup; then she says that they are the same.
This is similar to Christ's communion with the saints at the last supper and they become of one blood.
Jacob and Esau The biblical Jacob and Esau were warring brothers but one was favored over the other.
The Biblical Jacob stole Esau's birthright.
Lost's Jacob and Esau parallel these characteristics.
They were born at enmity with each other.
Jacob was a momma's boy and MIB/Esau was a man of the wild.
MIB/Esau was originally meant to be the chosen protector of the island.
This was his birthright and Jacob took it, just like in the Bible.
River of Light When they visit the river that runs into the light, they were told of how this Eden like point of origin must be protected at all costs.
There must always be someone to guard the light.
This light is somehow keeping the world safe.
I Chose You All Jacob gathers his surviving disciples for a last supper-ish dialogue where he explains everything he can.
He continues to conflate the theme of free will and predestination by saying: by choosing you all I have given you the one thing I never had...
a choice.
This choosing of his predecessors is similar to that of Christ where he says...
you didn't choose me but I chose you.
Water into Wine To paraphrase Sawyer, if Jack didn't already have a God complex - he does now.
When Jack originally came to the island, he didn't see the light at the center.
Jacob speaks Latin and turns water into wine.
After Jack drinks from the cup he will presumably be able to see the light.
Christ Figure? It is obvious that Jacob was the first Adam.
He messed up.
He made a mistake, unleashing a smoke monster that spews death.
As the first Adam others wondered "why do we have to pay for your mistake?" But Jack appears to be the second Adam; he plans to defeat death once and for all.
Questions: How come Esau could see dead people? When he went into the river of light did he become his true self? When the woman made it so they couldn't kill each other, did she make them yin and yang; good and evil? Where did the woman come from? Why does Esau want to go across the sea so bad? Other than hell, what could be worse than death? What did Ben mean when he said "I thought I was summoning the monster but he turned out to be summoning me"? On sideways world Desmond seems to be bridging the "real world" and the "unseen world.
" What could he be up to?