How to Tell If You Are Stuck and What to Do About it
Is your life on a plateau? Are you stuck and making little or no progress? How can you tell? Here are some indicators.
You are doing the same amount of work but getting fewer results.
You are working harder to stay at the same place.
You feel like you are broken.
You have a low level of enthusiasm.
You are unfulfilled.
You are revving your engine but your foot is on the brake.
If this sounds like you, then you are stuck on a plateau.
You might be wondering what you can do about this.
What is the first step? Set aside one day to work on your plan.
Make sure you will not be interrupted.
Book a hotel room if necessary.
Create a work environment that is comfortable safe and without distractions.
Next answer the following questions.
These questions will help you to discover why you are stuck and what to do about it.
Answer with total honesty and you will soon be soaring to the next level.
Am I really clear about what I want? Is it so clearly defined that I can easily give others a crystal clear description of what I really want? What beliefs, wounds and emotional interference do I have that are preventing me from achieving my goal.
How big is my dream? The size of your dream will determine the size of your outcome.
Am I missing any resources I need to reach my goal? Do I need a desk, a computer, more friends, a better support network? What can I do to get the resources I need? Is there anything beyond my control that will stop me? If so, what can I do to gain more control of my life and eliminate the things that are out of my control? What in my environment is holding me back? What things am I tolerating in my life that just suck away my time and energy? Does my car need repaired? Is my office a mess that distracts me from doing my work? Is my chair uncomfortable? Is the lighting terrible? Do I need to make a trip to Ikea and redesign my work space? Does my computer crash once a week? Is my diet so bad that it makes me feel tired and sluggish? These are all things that you have control over.
You do not have to tolerate them.
You can not fix everything in one day or one week, but you can take notice of these things and begin to systematically eliminate them one by one.
If you do this you will gain at least one half of an hour more productive time each day.
Next ask yourself, do I have a plan? Is my plan a good one? What can I do to create enough value for others to move myself to the next level? Do I deliver more value than I promise? Am I helping others to be successful and get what they want so that I can get what I want? I recently filmed a video series which discusses the seven things that stop people from going to the next level.
If you would like more detailed information on this subject you can find that video series posted on my youtube channel.
You are doing the same amount of work but getting fewer results.
You are working harder to stay at the same place.
You feel like you are broken.
You have a low level of enthusiasm.
You are unfulfilled.
You are revving your engine but your foot is on the brake.
If this sounds like you, then you are stuck on a plateau.
You might be wondering what you can do about this.
What is the first step? Set aside one day to work on your plan.
Make sure you will not be interrupted.
Book a hotel room if necessary.
Create a work environment that is comfortable safe and without distractions.
Next answer the following questions.
These questions will help you to discover why you are stuck and what to do about it.
Answer with total honesty and you will soon be soaring to the next level.
Am I really clear about what I want? Is it so clearly defined that I can easily give others a crystal clear description of what I really want? What beliefs, wounds and emotional interference do I have that are preventing me from achieving my goal.
How big is my dream? The size of your dream will determine the size of your outcome.
Am I missing any resources I need to reach my goal? Do I need a desk, a computer, more friends, a better support network? What can I do to get the resources I need? Is there anything beyond my control that will stop me? If so, what can I do to gain more control of my life and eliminate the things that are out of my control? What in my environment is holding me back? What things am I tolerating in my life that just suck away my time and energy? Does my car need repaired? Is my office a mess that distracts me from doing my work? Is my chair uncomfortable? Is the lighting terrible? Do I need to make a trip to Ikea and redesign my work space? Does my computer crash once a week? Is my diet so bad that it makes me feel tired and sluggish? These are all things that you have control over.
You do not have to tolerate them.
You can not fix everything in one day or one week, but you can take notice of these things and begin to systematically eliminate them one by one.
If you do this you will gain at least one half of an hour more productive time each day.
Next ask yourself, do I have a plan? Is my plan a good one? What can I do to create enough value for others to move myself to the next level? Do I deliver more value than I promise? Am I helping others to be successful and get what they want so that I can get what I want? I recently filmed a video series which discusses the seven things that stop people from going to the next level.
If you would like more detailed information on this subject you can find that video series posted on my youtube channel.