Pest in Sydney: An Analysis and Removal Solution
Closing any entrances to your home and removing any food sources is the first step to dealing with the problem. Some basic tips to keep your house free of pests are as follows:
- Repair if any openings are spotted: One should immediately repair any openings seen in and around the house (Interior and Exterior). Also, check the weather stripping on windows/doors and repair any holes you find in screens.
- Keep your house dry: Pests grow in water and it is important to keep your house dry and clean to not let any pests survive. Water is an important source of their living in any property.
Services to eradicate rodents from the household can also be searched in Sydney. Australia. Pest control in Sydney also provides home remedies of warding off the pests as many are allergic towards the chemicals. One of the very commonly used home remedy is:
- 2 tsp cayenne pepper
- 2 cloves garlic
- Liquid soap
- 1 qt water
Cut and grind the garlic and pepper together with a little soap and water. Strain and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Although the mixture must be re-applied after every rainfall, its tough contents ward off many insects. It's a great way for keeping rabbits out of the garden as well. One has to be careful while shopping for the pest control as they may be counter-productive. Some sprays have orange peel concentrate or mint to remove bugs, but the special oils that are used can harm the plants in your house. Home remedies and non-chemical methods are used generally in those homes where the house owners end up showing some side effects of the chemical sprays. These are 100 percent safe and only natural ingredients are used to ward off the rodents.