Cheap Campaigning Ideas for Homecoming Queen
- Use your video camera to shoot a quick video telling students why they should vote for you. Include reasons why, as homecoming queen, you'll make sure that the remainder of the school year is fun. Make your message friendly and upbeat and post it on your social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Shoot the video at an interesting part of town like in front of a special exhibit at a museum and challenge students to identify where your video was shot. Reward lucky winners a free movie pass or buy them and their friend's lunch.
- Organize a charity event. Do your part by getting your class together to donate some hours volunteering at a community event. Perhaps there's a charity dance marathon for a local agency or a festival that needs volunteers. Create a sign-up sheet to get as many people as you can involved as a class to help build a house or help out at a pet adoption. When it's time for you to perform your speech, voice your feelings on giving back year-round.
- Work with your school administrator for permission to coordinate an on-campus event. Contact a few local retailers to come on campus for a homecoming fashion show. Have the boutiques show all types of items from dresses and tuxedos to accessories and corsages. Ask a few local restaurants to provide a few freebie samples as a way to not only give students free food, but ideas on where they can go out to eat before the dance. Hand out flyers at the event asking students to vote for you.
- Make a flyer that is designed to look like a voting ballot. Include your face on it and some tidbits about you and why they should vote for you. Pass the flyers out during lunch, before and after school. Gather your friends together to shell out candy and snacks while passing out flyers so that everyone will remember you.