How to Quickly Relieve Stomach Bloating
- 1). Change your diet. Consuming a large amount of lactose (dairy products) and gassy foods such as broccoli, lettuce, and beans can bring on and aggravate stomach bloating.
- 2). Drink more water. Flush toxins from your body and relieve constipation-induced bloating by increasing your water intake--about eight glasses a day.
- 3). Use fiber. Get into the habit of taking a fiber supplement daily to keep your bowels regulated and reduce stomach bloating.
- 4). Do light exercises. Go for a walk, take a swim, or ride a bike to help ease bloating. Like water and fiber, exercise encourages intestinal contractions.
- 5). Go easy on the salt. Too much salt causes water retention, and water can settle in the stomach. Limit yourself to 2,300 mg of sodium a day.
- 6). Try herbal teas. Sip fennel tea to help soothe a bloated stomach.