Cancer - Ayurveda Perspective
In ancient ayurveda there are several herbs mentioned to cure doshas that balances and cure these doshas from the root. One should always keep balance in these three prakritis to stay away from almost all the deseases. I use Triphala Churna regularly for this. Triphala churna, is I belive, the best formula available to mankind to balance tridoshas.
Cancer was not unknown deasease to the antient ayurvedic scholars. The deasease is mentioned in ayurvedic scriptures with different names. The books like Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, contains several types of cancer like deaseases. We can also find some referance in Wagbhata's scriptures. Cancer, is nothing but the imbalance in one or all of the three doshas- vata, pitta, and kafa at extreame level.
Cancer, if diagnosed on time can be totally curable through specific herbal combinations mentioned in ancient scriptures of Ayurveda. If we think of chemo therapy for cancer, it is said that "The treatment is more dangerous than the diseases." Chemotherapy has several dengerous side effects on body, and the weakness that comes after chemo therapy leads to more and more complications. I do not know the efficacy of the chemo therapy, but I definitely know some real examples of patients who had not came out of the deasease and finally died of being week and week. Some ayurvedic medicines also helps fight side effects of chemo therapy.
I have included several ways to cure cancer with antient and advanced (non chemo) therapies in my blog; and continuously working to explore herbs that has potential to cure cancer from the roots. You will find all the vital information on how to cure cancer naturally, and rare medications from the antient books of Ayurveda. My blog also has the information and links about other medications like Baking soda treatment, wheat grass juce treatment, yoga, pranayama for cancer, and several other therapies. Do visit my blog for more information. (Kindly note that, no information in this article or on my blog should be taken as medical advice; and should be followed with proper medical attention.)