Home Gardening Grow Box Technology
- Hydroponics grow boxes work by suspending plants in a growth medium, like potting soil, above a tank of moving water. The roots of the plant are exposed to the water, which carries the nutrients needed to help the plant grow. By including nutrients in the water, instead of the soil, plants are constantly given the nutrients they need; soil becomes depleted much more quickly. There are many forms of grow box technology.
- One type of grow box system can be made from an old aquarium; plants are suspended in a floating base and air is pumped into the water to circulate nutrients. A more complex type of grow box uses two stacked platforms. One platform contains the plants, with exposed roots; the other is a tank of water. A pump sends nutrients and water to the plants and the water drips back into the tank of water.
- Grow boxes most often use water pumps and design technology to create a hydroponic system. Water and air pumps are important for cycling nutrients over the roots of the plants, while the design of the grow box can affect how efficiently the nutrients are delivered. Hobbyists often choose to use a simple grow box made from an aquarium, while serious hydroponics farmers will use a more complex misting system or pump.
- The nutrient pump is the central element in all grow boxes: It provides both the food for the plants as well as the movement of the water. This keeps water from becoming stagnant and losing its oxygen content. Nutrient pumps provide hydroponic plants with the proper amounts of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. These pumps can be as simple as modified water pumps or as complex as misting or drip systems, depending on the type of grow box.
- Hydroponic growing can be done year-round, indoors and in small spaces, making it ideal for urban gardeners, injured gardeners who can't work outside or those with limited space. Additionally, grow boxes can provide vegetables or flowers for food or decoration, and this production can be sustained throughout the year. Hydroponic technology avoids the depletion of nutrients in the soil while allowing plants to grow in a unique way.