Caribee Cycle and Caribee Hydration packs
Many people view cycling as a summer pursuit, but, with proper care and attention to cycle maintenance, clothing and an awareness of differing road conditions, there is no reason not to enjoy cycling year round.
Cycling allows you to get closer to the environment and see seasons changing and enjoy all of the beauty that Mother Nature offers.
Riding a bicycle on a daily basis can help to improve or maintain a fitness level, which can form part of a fitness regime that, also, helps to reduce stress and prevent SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
No need to worry about the train being late, the bus not arriving at all, car congestion or the ever increasing cost at the petrol pumps. In fact, spending a few pounds, yearly, on cycling maintenance and cycling, itself, is virtually cost-free and totally reliable.
Studies have shown that a cyclist will be caught in the rain, a total of eight times throughout the year, following a daily cycling journey and that the months that gave cyclists the greatest cause for weather concern (Feb and Mar) are actually two of the driest months of the year.
Wear warm gloves and socks, a lightweight wind and rainproof jacket that can be easily folded into a cycle pack when not in use and reflective clothing or reflective hydration or cycle pack, are all the extra clothing necessary. Remember, although, the weather may be cold, cycling will, quickly, warm you up.
Check lights regularly to ensure that you are seen and safe, even, whilst utilising reflective clothing or cycle packs.
Fitting mudguards to cycles will reduce splash back from roads, should you happen to get caught in rain.
Ensure brakes, both, work and do not rub against wheel trim.
Keep cycle tyres pumped up and check regularly for wear or damage.
Keep your bike chain oiled.
Check cycle gears are working smoothly and, if not, adjust accordingly.
Keeping your cycle under cover, when not in use, will prolong its life, as will, prompt action when scraping, squeaks or rattles are heard.
With a little forward preparation and with care taken with road conditions (i.e.: ice and wet) cycling can be an enjoyable pursuit for all twelve months of the year.
Caribee has created cycle and hydration packs that will help keep those cycle wheels turning.
Cycling allows you to get closer to the environment and see seasons changing and enjoy all of the beauty that Mother Nature offers.
Riding a bicycle on a daily basis can help to improve or maintain a fitness level, which can form part of a fitness regime that, also, helps to reduce stress and prevent SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
No need to worry about the train being late, the bus not arriving at all, car congestion or the ever increasing cost at the petrol pumps. In fact, spending a few pounds, yearly, on cycling maintenance and cycling, itself, is virtually cost-free and totally reliable.
Studies have shown that a cyclist will be caught in the rain, a total of eight times throughout the year, following a daily cycling journey and that the months that gave cyclists the greatest cause for weather concern (Feb and Mar) are actually two of the driest months of the year.
Wear warm gloves and socks, a lightweight wind and rainproof jacket that can be easily folded into a cycle pack when not in use and reflective clothing or reflective hydration or cycle pack, are all the extra clothing necessary. Remember, although, the weather may be cold, cycling will, quickly, warm you up.
Check lights regularly to ensure that you are seen and safe, even, whilst utilising reflective clothing or cycle packs.
Fitting mudguards to cycles will reduce splash back from roads, should you happen to get caught in rain.
Ensure brakes, both, work and do not rub against wheel trim.
Keep cycle tyres pumped up and check regularly for wear or damage.
Keep your bike chain oiled.
Check cycle gears are working smoothly and, if not, adjust accordingly.
Keeping your cycle under cover, when not in use, will prolong its life, as will, prompt action when scraping, squeaks or rattles are heard.
With a little forward preparation and with care taken with road conditions (i.e.: ice and wet) cycling can be an enjoyable pursuit for all twelve months of the year.
Caribee has created cycle and hydration packs that will help keep those cycle wheels turning.