Approaches For Laying Off Breastfeeding a Baby
Once the little one reaches six months of age, he or she will begin to eat additional types of food and his or her attention will shift to those foods as the necessity of being breastfeed begins to wane.
But, not everyone experiences such a smooth process.
The act of breastfeeding is a method in which the infant forms an emotional bond with its mother, and therefore some of them may be reluctant to stop.
Alternatively, a continuation of breastfeeding may pose problems for the mother because it interferes with their job, caring for older children, and taking care of the home.
Under those circumstances, nursing simply cannot continue any longer.
The following are some key tips that may help you cease nursing.
Keep in mind that you should not halt breastfeeding abruptly.
Such an act has the potential to cause the child trauma and may prompt unpleasant outbursts.
Instead, you should taper down the breastfeeding more slowly.
Start by cutting out one feeding each day for an entire week, and cut out a second one the following week.
Maintain nighttime nursing, though gradually offer formula until you are exclusively using it for feedings.
Should you be nursing a toddler, speak to them soothingly.
Let them know that nursing in the future will only occur at before naps and for going down to bed for the night.
When you reach the point of being prepared to cease nursing entirely, you can explain that the they are now big kids, and that big kids no longer nurse.
Informing the child lovingly is critical in preventing mental trauma that otherwise might result from the weaning process.
Keep in mind that the process of stopping nursing is an important one and making certain that it is done skillfully and gently will greatly facilitate the adjustment process.