What You Should Know About Warts and the HPV Virus
Common warts on hands are a caused by a virus family known as human papillomavirus (HPV).
Places on the body which are warm and moist can be susceptible.
Be careful about biting the nails because it can create a perfect atmosphere for growth.
These can appear on hands, fingers and knees as well as other parts of the body.
It may look like a small broccoli with black dots.
The second type is flat warts; these normally affect the face and appear in clusters.
A third kind is called planter and these can be located at the bottom of foot and may walking uncomfortable.
Filiform warts can grow around the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Warts can also be sexually transmitted and are called genital warts.
Warts are not cancerous although they are uncomfortable to have.
There is no cure for HPV virus and many times people find their warts come and go.
Kids can be fascinated by them and it's important to let them know that they are due to a virus.
It is helpful to wash your hand regularly and keep them dry and clean.
If there is a cut or bruise it should be washed with disinfectant, water, and soap and treated properly.
It is important to build up your immune system so that warts do not return.
Some people will have them removed due to interference with daily activity or concern about one's appearance.
Always consult a doctor if you want to remove a wart and don't just experiment at home.
There are various methods a doctor might use to remove them such as using over the counter or prescription medications, which can be applied externally on the wart.
Burning of the marks using an electric current is also employed.
Freezing the wart and then cutting it off is known as cryosurgery.
Laser treatments can also be used for unmanageable warts.
Externally applied medicines might take several days week or even months to take effect.
By regular application, the wart will crumble away leaving behind a health skin.
These medicines are very powerful and must be used with care.
Salicylic acid can also be used and is an ingredient in acne medications as well.
Some swear by the duct tape method.
When they are under the nails are hard to remove and treating them with salicylic acid can make the skin appear rough and calloused.
They are more of an inconvenience an aesthetical issue than anything else but many opt for removal methods.
Places on the body which are warm and moist can be susceptible.
Be careful about biting the nails because it can create a perfect atmosphere for growth.
These can appear on hands, fingers and knees as well as other parts of the body.
It may look like a small broccoli with black dots.
The second type is flat warts; these normally affect the face and appear in clusters.
A third kind is called planter and these can be located at the bottom of foot and may walking uncomfortable.
Filiform warts can grow around the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Warts can also be sexually transmitted and are called genital warts.
Warts are not cancerous although they are uncomfortable to have.
There is no cure for HPV virus and many times people find their warts come and go.
Kids can be fascinated by them and it's important to let them know that they are due to a virus.
It is helpful to wash your hand regularly and keep them dry and clean.
If there is a cut or bruise it should be washed with disinfectant, water, and soap and treated properly.
It is important to build up your immune system so that warts do not return.
Some people will have them removed due to interference with daily activity or concern about one's appearance.
Always consult a doctor if you want to remove a wart and don't just experiment at home.
There are various methods a doctor might use to remove them such as using over the counter or prescription medications, which can be applied externally on the wart.
Burning of the marks using an electric current is also employed.
Freezing the wart and then cutting it off is known as cryosurgery.
Laser treatments can also be used for unmanageable warts.
Externally applied medicines might take several days week or even months to take effect.
By regular application, the wart will crumble away leaving behind a health skin.
These medicines are very powerful and must be used with care.
Salicylic acid can also be used and is an ingredient in acne medications as well.
Some swear by the duct tape method.
When they are under the nails are hard to remove and treating them with salicylic acid can make the skin appear rough and calloused.
They are more of an inconvenience an aesthetical issue than anything else but many opt for removal methods.