Children - Types of Anxiety Disorders That May Affect Them
Unfortunately, they are not immune from them and may have an even harder time adjusting to them than adults do.
One type of anxiety disorder that can be seen in children is a generalized panic disorder, which can affect them in many ways.
One thing they may do is constantly worry about daily things that occur at home or school.
They may be very tough on themselves and may constantly seek perfection.
They also may seek constant approval from others.
Another type that children may exhibit is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - also know as OCD.
This disorder leads to having unwelcome thoughts and urges that may become obsessions - all of which may compel them to repeat ritualistic behaviors or routines such as excessive hand-washing or obsessively rechecking things to make sure they are right.
Another anxiety disorder children may display is a panic disorder.
If a child has at least two panic attacks followed by worrying for at least a month about having another attack, a medical professional may diagnose the child as having a panic disorder.
Phobias are other types of disorders a child may have.
Phobias are irrational fears of certain places, things, situations or events.
They go beyond normal childhood fears and usually don't stop on their own.
One more anxiety disorder is PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
A child may develop this disorder after going through a traumatic event such as the death of a family member, a serious accident, a physical assault or a natural disaster.
So, when a child displays symptoms of any of these anxiety disorders, a trip to their pediatrician or family doctor is certainly warranted.