Astrology Relationship Compatibility - Aries Man and Aries Woman
This report is designed exclusively for love relationships. The interpretation for Aries and Aries
uses a technique called €Synastry' which is the branch of astrology dealing with relationships.
It should be pointed out that even the most unlikely love relationship can be made to work if both
parties are prepared to put in the effort required. However, there are almost always some
adjustments and compromises to be made in any relationship where there are two separate
individuals with wills and personalities of their own.
Analysing a relationship between two people is a complex business. A good analogy to this type
of astrological analysis is the way you view a statue. Looking at a statue from the front gives you
an idea of what it looks like from a single dimension. It is only by walking around it and viewing it
from various points that you begin to see it as a multi-dimensional creation, and start to
understand more about its total composition. And so it is with the astrological analysis of a
Relationship Compatibility
The connections between you and how each of you perceives and experiences the other,
examining the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship and pinpointing potential problems.
Each connection is given a Star Rating from one to five to show it's relative importance. To the
right of each pair of symbols, denoting the connection, is a group of five stars assss
more dark stars there are the more important the connection. The keys for the planets and the
other symbols and terms used are given at the back of the report.
How Aries gets on with Aries and how Aries responds.
First the connections you share:
Clash of wills
While there is definitely a strong chemistry between Aries and Aries, sooner or later it is likely to
manifest as a clash of wills. For Aries and Aries have very different perspectives on life, love and
nearly everything else for that matter.
Too much
While there is likely to be a fair share of good fortune about Aries and Aries 's relationship it
won't be long before their very different outlooks on love, life and the universe threatens to drive
a wedge between them. When Aries and Aries get together they tend to go to extremes,
financially, emotionally and even physically.
Mutual irritability
Aries and Aries can often approach the same situation from such different perspectives that they
may have difficulty following a common goal or course of action. Therefore problems are likely to
arise though misunderstandings of each other's emotional needs, especially in time of stress.
There is more likely to be mutual irritability than any serious problems.
Long lasting
Aries and Aries feel a strong and lasting attraction towards one another. This strong connection
encourages long-term companionship since they share a desire to help each other and to give
each other pleasure, love and affection. They have a similar attitude and approach towards
friendship and romance and enjoy similar interests and social activities.
The sparks really fly when Aries and Aries get together and they make a very dynamic
combination. However Aries and Aries 's relationship could soon degenerate into a battle of wills,
open or subtle, as impatience, irritation and rivalry begin to surface. Since both Aries and Aries
want to take the initiative and put their needs and demands first it will be difficult for them to
avoid interfering with or obstructing each other.
Mutual fascination
In the early stages of their relationship Aries and Aries will take a great deal of pleasure in each
other's company, with their different outlooks on love, life, the universe and everything being a
source of mutual fascination. If they are both able to exercise tolerance and understanding this
can be a rewarding relationship, since it can add another shared dimension to their life
Mutual understanding
This isn't a particularly important characteristic of Aries and Aries 's relationship, they share a
mutual sympathy and understanding, which will reinforce other areas of their relationship. They
have similar mystical or occult interests and can inspire and encourage each other towards
greater creativity and self-expression. Spiritual and philosophical interests are in harmony
encouraging closeness, understanding,