Understanding the Requirements for Bail Bonds Hidalgo County TX
The First Hearing
Before your bail bonds hidalgo county TX application can be determined, you will have to make a first hearing appearance before a judge, especially if you have committed a felony. This appearance is meant to determine your flight risk and not to listen to details of your case or to make a plea. For the plea, whether innocent or guilty, another hearing will be arranged for that.
It may take an hour to more than 8 hours depending on the population of the city the hearing is taking place. Because of the large population in some cities, some counties have arranged to have two hearings a day as opposed to once in the morning as is the tradition.
Requirements for Misdemeanors
The bail bonds Hidalgo county TX may require you to appear before a judge depending on whether you committed a felony or misdemeanor. Before you make the application you need to determine which of the two applies to you.
A misdemeanor is an offence that can is punishable by a sentence of one year in prison or less. Because misdemeanors have relatively light sentences and in many cases only require payment of fees, community service and probation, the law does not require the defendant to appear before the Judge.
Some of the offences have preset bails that the defendant will pay before being released. Some of the misdemeanors in the state of Texas include possession of marijuana, petty theft and destruction of property.
Requirements for Felonies
Felonies will require the defendant to appear before the judge when seeking top level bail bonds in mcallen tx. Other counties in Texas may allow the defendant to pay the amount without appearing before a judge.
Felonies may be defined as the crimes that will result in one or more than one year sentence. Felonies may include crimes like possession of drugs with intent to distribute. assault, muggings and possession of a weapon on school grounds or campus.