How to Sing High Soprano
- 1). Record your voice singing a song that lies comfortably in your range and that you know well; after warming up your voice.
- 2). Listen to the recording. Identify whether your voice is light, slender and penetrating, or dark, rich and multi-layered. The former is a typical characteristic of a soprano; the latter indicates you may be a mezzo-soprano.
- 3). Play a note in the middle of the range on the piano. Begin singing along with the piano in half steps, until you reach the highest note in your range. If the highest pitch you can sing easily is above an A, it is likely that you are a soprano. Otherwise, you are likely a mezzo-soprano.
- 4). Start on a pitch that is seven half steps below your highest pitch. Sing the syllable "hmmm" down a perfect fifth. A perfect fifth is seven half steps.
- 5). Sing the exercise again a half step higher and continue singing this exercise until you reach the highest note you can sing comfortably. This exercise will stretch your vocal chords, allowing you to sing higher notes.
- 6). Stop singing the moment that it becomes even slightly difficult to sing any higher. Start again the next day and complete this exercise after a good warm-up. Attempt to increase your range only if you are able to do so comfortably.