Sheep Laurel or Lambkill: Image
Sheep laurel is frequently found growing in bogs.
This native shrub, known botanically as Kalmia angustifolia, is also called "lambkill." Early New England farmers no doubt discovered the hard way that it was poisonous to their livestock. I came across this one while biking in the Schoodic Peninsula in Maine in June.
Sheep laurel is related to mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). What's the difference, for identification purposes? How do you tell the one shrub apart from the other?
Well, sheep laurel is a smaller plant (1-3 feet tall versus 5-8 feet for mountain laurel), but another indicator is contained in the specific epithets of their respective botanical names: angustifolia as compared to latifolia. The latter means "wide-leaved," the former "narrow-leaved."
This native shrub, known botanically as Kalmia angustifolia, is also called "lambkill." Early New England farmers no doubt discovered the hard way that it was poisonous to their livestock. I came across this one while biking in the Schoodic Peninsula in Maine in June.
Sheep laurel is related to mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). What's the difference, for identification purposes? How do you tell the one shrub apart from the other?
Well, sheep laurel is a smaller plant (1-3 feet tall versus 5-8 feet for mountain laurel), but another indicator is contained in the specific epithets of their respective botanical names: angustifolia as compared to latifolia. The latter means "wide-leaved," the former "narrow-leaved."