Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis in Children
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis in Children
The estimated incidence for paediatrician-diagnosed CFS/ME is 12/100 000 adolescents (0.01%) in the Netherlands, but for the reasons described above, this may be lower than at the population level. In the UK, 4/1096 adolescents (0.36%) developed CFS (CDC definition, 6 months of fatigue and 4 symptoms) in a 4–6 month window but two of these had fatigue at the first time point and, with small numbers, the true incidence is still unknown.
Do we Know Anything About Incidence?
The estimated incidence for paediatrician-diagnosed CFS/ME is 12/100 000 adolescents (0.01%) in the Netherlands, but for the reasons described above, this may be lower than at the population level. In the UK, 4/1096 adolescents (0.36%) developed CFS (CDC definition, 6 months of fatigue and 4 symptoms) in a 4–6 month window but two of these had fatigue at the first time point and, with small numbers, the true incidence is still unknown.