Splendid Spirituality
We all have the divine within us ready and able to guide us.
All of us...
Tapping into our spirituality is an act of liberation.
Here, I am not talking about religion, though that is extremely important to a lot of people and in many cases it has helped to save their lives.
I am talking about an act of liberation where there is a recognition that 'something' exists beyond ourselves that alerts us to the pleasures and dangers of life.
I remember for example when I had some people stay with me for a while and I was at my health club whilst they were at home.
I had a strong and overwhelming desire to get home - I had not even quite finished my workout, and certainly did not stop for a shower.
I had no idea at that time what was driving me.
What was true however was that I was being driven - I did not question it.
When I got home the house was filled with gas, two people were there and neither of them noticed it.
It was one of those situations where if a match was struck the house would have blown up.
The gas, with the door to the garden open, took several hours to clear.
Tapping into my spirituality is an act of going deep within and listening to the message that resides.
It is an act of listening to my deeply intuitive self.
Accessing my spirituality stated in it is simplest form, is understanding that I am guided.
It is important to me that I quiet my mind and go within.
Go within to a place that could be described as a place filled with peace and light.
It is a place of deep contemplation without effort.
It is a place of the all knowing grace.
That place within is like entering into a place between your thoughts, the purpose of which is simply for it's own sake and access a way of resolving aspects of our lives that we are not happy with and to enable us to explore the possibility of that which is yet unknown to us - to explore and experience the total peace and joy of life.
Often times we do not know what this place actually is or feels like because we are so usually wrapped up in fear - the fear of the dark, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the known, wrapped up in the fear of making mistakes, the fear of failure, the fear of success etc.
We become so immobilised in the here and now that we forget that we do not have to do it alone.
We do not need to do what we want to do without guidance.
We can go to that quiet deep place and ask for support.
FEAR - is that which prevents us from living our wildest, glorious, best life dreams.
Who says that the life you live now is the only possibility for you? Who says that you cannot be a world-renowned author if that is how you see yourself? Who says that you cannot be a world-class inventor? Who says that you cannot be...
what you want to be.
Everything that happens, that people make happen ultimately comes from a thought turned into action.
Fear does not have to rule our lives if we decide to face it.
Our spirituality can help us with that process.
There are times when we are our greatest enemy.
Yes it is true that we received negative messages from our teachers about our inability, rather than our ability.
Yes it is true that when we wanted your parents' attention we did not always get it.
Yes it is true that we were told that we were too fat, too thin, too ugly, too light, and too dark, generally not good enough, not worthy etc.
What will it take for you to have the courage to say enough is enough? Decide, for the answer is within, take action; watch your situation change, as you step out with three great friends trust, faith and guidance.
Remember the presupposition; we have the divine within us, all of us.
So it means that we can decide to listen to our own inner guide - OUR inner guide.
All that you need is within you - mind, body and spirit.
A Yoruba proverb says 'act as though it is impossible to fail'.
With this state of mind, failure is impossible.
It does not mean as though that everything turns out perfectly as you planned, it does mean however that, you plan, act and step out in faith.
In terms of our inner guide it is really important to recognize that feeling good is a state of mind.
Simply stated, in times of trouble, stillness and silence are an antidote take time to tune into your inner most thoughts.
Let the messages run through you and help guide you.
Take lessons from the challenges and blessings today.
There is always a lesson or lessons in every experience.
Each day I am open to challenging my usual thinking and to learn something new.
Let the truth come through.
Dialogue, keep open to the possibilities of learning something new.
When we look deeply within we will find the treasures that are needed to solve our own life.
Every event that happens in our lives reveals something that we need to know.
Take for example a relationship that has come to an end.
A relationship, for example that is abusive, and it has been physically and emotionally abusive for a number of years.
It dents your self-esteem, makes you feel worthless.
One day, you get a really serious wake up call; you've landed in the hospital after the neighbours have called the police because you have been beaten senseless - yet again.
The realisation eventually dawns that you are worth more than you think you are and you are certainly worth more than the person beating you up thinks you are.
As I said it is taken you years to get to this place and three children later, you know that either you leave whilst walking or you get carried out in a box.
The treasures that lay deep within help you to know that you can go to a place of resilience that will truly serve you and your family.
The experience can support you to know that enough is enough and you will never go to this place again.
It helps you to know that you can turn your life around because you have been to the depths and there is no lower to go.
Yes, it is true that some people choose to act on the guidance that they have been given and some people do not.
All of us...
Tapping into our spirituality is an act of liberation.
Here, I am not talking about religion, though that is extremely important to a lot of people and in many cases it has helped to save their lives.
I am talking about an act of liberation where there is a recognition that 'something' exists beyond ourselves that alerts us to the pleasures and dangers of life.
I remember for example when I had some people stay with me for a while and I was at my health club whilst they were at home.
I had a strong and overwhelming desire to get home - I had not even quite finished my workout, and certainly did not stop for a shower.
I had no idea at that time what was driving me.
What was true however was that I was being driven - I did not question it.
When I got home the house was filled with gas, two people were there and neither of them noticed it.
It was one of those situations where if a match was struck the house would have blown up.
The gas, with the door to the garden open, took several hours to clear.
Tapping into my spirituality is an act of going deep within and listening to the message that resides.
It is an act of listening to my deeply intuitive self.
Accessing my spirituality stated in it is simplest form, is understanding that I am guided.
It is important to me that I quiet my mind and go within.
Go within to a place that could be described as a place filled with peace and light.
It is a place of deep contemplation without effort.
It is a place of the all knowing grace.
That place within is like entering into a place between your thoughts, the purpose of which is simply for it's own sake and access a way of resolving aspects of our lives that we are not happy with and to enable us to explore the possibility of that which is yet unknown to us - to explore and experience the total peace and joy of life.
Often times we do not know what this place actually is or feels like because we are so usually wrapped up in fear - the fear of the dark, the fear of the unknown, the fear of the known, wrapped up in the fear of making mistakes, the fear of failure, the fear of success etc.
We become so immobilised in the here and now that we forget that we do not have to do it alone.
We do not need to do what we want to do without guidance.
We can go to that quiet deep place and ask for support.
FEAR - is that which prevents us from living our wildest, glorious, best life dreams.
Who says that the life you live now is the only possibility for you? Who says that you cannot be a world-renowned author if that is how you see yourself? Who says that you cannot be a world-class inventor? Who says that you cannot be...
what you want to be.
Everything that happens, that people make happen ultimately comes from a thought turned into action.
Fear does not have to rule our lives if we decide to face it.
Our spirituality can help us with that process.
There are times when we are our greatest enemy.
Yes it is true that we received negative messages from our teachers about our inability, rather than our ability.
Yes it is true that when we wanted your parents' attention we did not always get it.
Yes it is true that we were told that we were too fat, too thin, too ugly, too light, and too dark, generally not good enough, not worthy etc.
What will it take for you to have the courage to say enough is enough? Decide, for the answer is within, take action; watch your situation change, as you step out with three great friends trust, faith and guidance.
Remember the presupposition; we have the divine within us, all of us.
So it means that we can decide to listen to our own inner guide - OUR inner guide.
All that you need is within you - mind, body and spirit.
A Yoruba proverb says 'act as though it is impossible to fail'.
With this state of mind, failure is impossible.
It does not mean as though that everything turns out perfectly as you planned, it does mean however that, you plan, act and step out in faith.
In terms of our inner guide it is really important to recognize that feeling good is a state of mind.
Simply stated, in times of trouble, stillness and silence are an antidote take time to tune into your inner most thoughts.
Let the messages run through you and help guide you.
Take lessons from the challenges and blessings today.
There is always a lesson or lessons in every experience.
Each day I am open to challenging my usual thinking and to learn something new.
Let the truth come through.
Dialogue, keep open to the possibilities of learning something new.
When we look deeply within we will find the treasures that are needed to solve our own life.
Every event that happens in our lives reveals something that we need to know.
Take for example a relationship that has come to an end.
A relationship, for example that is abusive, and it has been physically and emotionally abusive for a number of years.
It dents your self-esteem, makes you feel worthless.
One day, you get a really serious wake up call; you've landed in the hospital after the neighbours have called the police because you have been beaten senseless - yet again.
The realisation eventually dawns that you are worth more than you think you are and you are certainly worth more than the person beating you up thinks you are.
As I said it is taken you years to get to this place and three children later, you know that either you leave whilst walking or you get carried out in a box.
The treasures that lay deep within help you to know that you can go to a place of resilience that will truly serve you and your family.
The experience can support you to know that enough is enough and you will never go to this place again.
It helps you to know that you can turn your life around because you have been to the depths and there is no lower to go.
Yes, it is true that some people choose to act on the guidance that they have been given and some people do not.