Are You Suffering Fromyeast Infection Candida?
Yeast infection Candida is caused by fungus Candida Albicans. It is one of the predominant fungal stains that cause disease in humans. The fungal stain is known to infect around 75% to 80% of women in the world at some point of their life. The Yeast infection Candida has pervasive effects on human body, particularly in females. In males, the fungus doesnt show the results, unless it becomes chronic. Most of the males do not even feel the symptoms of yeast infection. At this point, it is important to ask Why Yeast infection ? How to prevent Yeast infection Candida? Answering these two questions will give you enough knowledge on yeast infection. Lets start with why yeast infection candida? Candida Albicans is present in the human digestive system. However, imbalances caused due to low immune system, cancer, diabetes, HIV etc. causes uncontrolled growth of the yeast in the body, and this results to what is commonly known as a yeast infection. Other prominent causes of yeast infection candida include lack of personal hygiene, use of perfumed products, colored toilet papers etc, using nylon and lycra undergarments, and many more.
Some of the prevalent symptoms of yeast infection Candida are:
General body itching as well experiencing itching in the affected are where Yeast infection Candida is developing
Appearance of white lesions in and around the mouth area.
Aching of muscles and general fatigue
Bloating and poor digestion
Oozing of cough, especially in case of Yeast infection Candida in lungs
Nail infections
Development of rashes and reddishness
How to prevent Yeast infection Candida?
Like there are number of ways of occurrence of yeast infection, similarly, there are number of ways to prevent the infection.
Maintain personal hygiene. The wet areas of your body should be dried. Bathe everyday and dry wash your body after bathing.
If you are a regular swimmer, wash your body after you come out from the pool. After washing your body, you need to remove the water by a dry towel.
Yeast infection Candida develops through smoking. So, if you are a smoker, quit smoking immediately. And if you cant quit smoking immediately, then the best way would be to reduce the frequency of smoking.
If you are used to fragrant and colored toilet soaps stop using it, as they are also considered as the principal factors for spread of Yeast infection Candida.
Do not use perfumes, synthetically prepared deodorants, and any of such perfumed liquids as these can also trigger Yeast infection Candida.
Wash your clothes and dry them well. Remember, Yeast infection Candida spreads in a hot and humid place!
Keep these points on top priority, and see youd have no yeast infection all your life!