How to Change My Political Party in Connecticut
- 1). Print out the voter registration form from the Office of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut website -- -- or obtain a copy from your local town hall. If accessing the form on the website, select the "Elections and Voting" link, "Important Forms" and "English Language Voter Registration Form." The same voter registration form is used to register to vote, change your address or change your political party registration.
- 2). Check off the box next to "Party Enrollment Change" at the top of the form. Fill out the rest of the form, including your name, current address, birthday and driver's license number.
- 3). Find question number nine which asks whether or not you wish to enroll in a political party. Check "Yes." Check off "Democrat," "Republican," or fill in "Other."
- 4). Sign the form and mail it to the town hall of the municipality you live in at least three months before any primaries. This deadline is important as a party change can result in the loss of voting rights for three months.