Reviews: Budget Guidebooks
Guidebooks are filled with perishable information, and they're directing you along with many other travelers to the same places. That's the bad news up front. Here's the good news: an up-to-date guidebook that applies to the destinations of your trip will save you time and money. You'll be able to budget for hotels and restaurants. You'll avoid pitfalls. Check out these reviews for budget travel guidebooks.
Frommer's popular Day by Day series appeals to those with little or no experience visiting a given destination. Beyond a simple offering of "how to spend three days in Rome," these books explain the significance of each recommended site in detail that is punctuated with vivid photography and historical references.More »
DK Eyewitness Travel Guides
With more than 1200 illustrations, Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Travel Guides are a feast for the eyes. Beyond the pretty face, these guides bring home valuable information that helps a budget traveler decide where to expend resources of time and money on a major trip. This review focuses on the Portugal volume, but the company publishes guides to many world destinations and smaller pocket guides called Top 10 Travel Guides for major cities and attractions.More »Frommer Day by Day Series
Frommer's popular Day by Day series appeals to those with little or no experience visiting a given destination. Beyond a simple offering of "how to spend three days in Rome," these books explain the significance of each recommended site in detail that is punctuated with vivid photography and historical references.More »