Mood Swings & the Human Endocrine System - What Causes Them & Are They Related?
When something is going on with an individual and we can't explain it, we just say, "oh they're being moody".
This doesn't just come out of thin air, it has to be coming from somewhere.
That somewhere could very well be the endocrine system.
This system is responsible for a lot of what goes on in our bodies.
Its health is critical, to our over all well being.
If this system is not working the way it should, then it doesn't matter how well the rest of the organs are functioning.
The endocrine system sounds like a scary and complicated subject.
Most of us really don't care to find out a lot about it.
But isn't it a little unfair to judge someone as being just plain moody, without taking the time to understand just a little bit, of what could be going on.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the endocrine system is the culprit for causing everyone's bad moods, because it can be caused from many other things.
What I am saying is, what would it hurt to gain a little knowledge of what goes on in our bodies? I mean, lets admit it, we have all been a little moody at times.
The problem is often we think that this is a behavior that can be turned on and off, so we tend to snap back at a moody person.
The endocrine system is responsible for releasing hormones.
Its these hormones that go about our bodies doing all kinds of different tasks.
The female hormones for example, can play a large role in the mood swings of a woman during, before, and after her menstrual cycles.
So that's the excuse us women can use, so where does that leave the men? I mean they don't have the female hormones bouncing all over the place.
So what is their excuse for their possible moodiness? Exactly the same thing, only it's the male hormones.
Even in today's growth in medical research, there is still much controversy regarding the effects that the male and female hormones have on a person's mood.
However I think that married couples, will be more apt to agree with the theory, that they do.
Husbands have come to the point ,where they know, that there's probably going to be a few days every month that the wife isn't so pleasant.
Its almost as though the male population has accepted this as a normal occurrence.
Yet women don't give the men the same consideration.
When our men are moody we very rarely would even consider it being hormone related.
So basically if we all had a little better understanding of how the endocrine system worked it might make a significant difference in how we treat, feel and perceive others.
Perhaps then, we would not take the mood swings of others quite so personal.
You never know, maybe then we may not be quite so defensive, which could mean less confrontations.
That would certainly be beneficial to a lot of relationships, not only between married couples, but children, family and friends as well.
Its an interesting thought, to think that we could have a much greater impact on our daily lives, just by knowing a little more about the human body.