Network Marketing Tips - 5 Tips For Success
If you're serious about being successful in the network marketing industry there are some things that you "need" to know and "must" have in place.
first of all I believe that one of the most critical things you need to know about this industry is that somewhere between 80 to 90% of the people you show your business opportunity to won't join, so to reassure your success in this industry you need a way to create an income off the people who don't join that way you can stay in the game long enough to have success.
This brings me to the 5 effective network marketing tips for success
Network Marketing Tips #1 - Capture People's Details
If you're out there spending either your time or money on marketing then you sure as heck don't want to waste a single lead by not capturing their details, in order to capture leads online you need a service called an auto-responder which is fundamentally an online service that allows you to store people's details and build a list.
The other thing you need in order to capture peoples detail is a lead capture page which is basically an one page website that is merely designed to capture people's details hence the name "Capture Page"...
You can target specific prospects with your marketing so depending on what type of offer you have on your capture page and what type of traffic you're sending to your capture page this will determine what type of leads you will generate.
Network Marketing Tips #2 - Offer a Funded Proposal
Now considering that 80 to 90% of the people you show your business opportunity won't join you need a way to create income from these people and that's where the funnel proposal comes in.
A funded proposal in basically a cheap information product that you offer on the front end so when someone enters their details into your capture page they are then taken straight to a sales page which gives you the opportunity to make up front income.
So what products do you use for a funded proposal if you're just starting out and you don't have your own product to offer???
I would highly recommend Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring or My Lead System Pro.
Network Marketing Tips #3 - Call Leads & Follow Up
This is a very essential part to network marketing because at the end of the day network marketing is all about networking so don't hide behind your computer hoping that someone is just going to join automatically.
It's always great to connect with likeminded people who are interested in the same goal of building a flourishing company from home and creating a better lifestyle for themselves, you also what your prospects to know that you're a real person and not just an email so pick up the phone and introduce yourself.
Network Marketing Tips #4 - Create a Backend Sales Funnel
Going back to the fact that 80 to 90% of people you show your business opportunity won't join again you need to profit from these people as much as possible and you can do this with a backend sales funnel which you can create in your auto-responder.
A backend sales funnel is essentially a follow-up series of emails with affiliate links in them with products that you know your leads will like such as marketing learning courses, coaching programs, marketing software, live events, your business opportunity, etc.
This is all personal preference and all depends on your marketing and niche BUT the chief concept here is to "Add Value" to your subscribers life's and business, you must be offering products that work and you stand behind because if your offering second rate products the people on your list will lose respect for you and unsubscribe before you know it.
Network Marketing Tips #5 - Generate More Leads than Time
I'm sure this is an clear one but it's truly the key to success because obviously the more people you have to talk to and the more people you run through your sales funnel the more money you will make so it just makes sense to get to work with generating leads online.
Network Marketing Tips Conclusion
If you're just starting out with learning how to use the internet to generate leads and build your network marketing business I think it's critical to not bog yourself down with learning how to create capture pages, sales funnels, products, etc and plug yourself into a system like MLSP that has all of these components in place ready to go.
That way you can focus on learning the most crucial skill you could ever posses online which is driving traffic to your capture pages and building your list