The Truth About Penis Pills - Are They Legitimate?
But what's the truth about penis pills? Is there any legitimacy to the claim that they will make your manhood 4 to 6 inches longer? Or is it just a scam to part you from your money? First of all, never ever buy penis pills through a spam e-mail.
Most of these are designed just to get your credit card number.
Once they have it, you can imagine what they will do with it.
You'll likely see a large number of fraudulent charges.
You may even end up with your identity stolen.
However, just because the industry is fraught with scammers, does that mean there's no legitimacy to the science behind penis pills.
These little wonder drugs have been shown to increase your size.
They can even do so drastically if given enough time.
The way the pills work is this: a blend of herbs increases the blood flow to your manhood.
This extra blood will give you an immediate boost in size, usually about 1 to 2 inches the first week.
Most men get excited at this point and stop taking them.
However, you lose your gains if you stop at this point.
You need to take the pills for at least two months in order to get permanent results.
This is because the pills need time to permanently stimulate cell growth.
With the extra blood, you're forcing the cells expands.
It's more than they can handle, so the body produces new cells.
This adds up over time to create a visible difference in the size of your penis.
Usually, most men will see an increase of 2 to 4 permanent inches by six months.
So the truth about penis pills is that they do work.
In fact, they may work too well.
So make sure you monitor your size so you don't get bigger than what you actually want to be.