Flow Versus Lasik / Femtolasik
Flow versus LASIK / FemtoLasik: Benefits
Both of the techniques are safe and they guarantee excellent eyesight as a result. However, there are advantages with both methods. LASIK / FemtoLasik are techniques where a small piece is removed from the cornea before the operation. After this the exactness of sight is improved by working the form of the cornea. The benefit of LASIK / FemtoLasik is that eyesight will improve already during the first day after surgery. Furthermore, the advantages of LASIK"s come out especially in dim light and at night because the occurrences of the halo effect and dispersion of light are minor. Also the contrast of eyesight is better when treated using this method.
In the LASIK / FemtoLasik-methods a cut has to be made in the eye when in the non-contact Flow-method the whole operation is carried out completely with laser without any cutting. This way the recovery from eye surgery is smoother and the possible complications like drying eyes, the redness of the eyes or injuries in the cornea are less probable. This method therefore guarantees a minimal risk. In light of KSA Silmkeskus"s experience and various scientific studies, the eyesight, the contrast of eyesight and the feeling of comfort are better long-term (more than a few months) when treated with the non-contact Flow-technique instead of the LASIK / FemtoLasik-method.
Flow versus LASIK / FemtoLasik: To whom?
In KSA, we recommend the Flow-technique pre-eminently to patients under 40 years old whereas the LASIK/FemtoLasik-technique is recommended for patients over 40 years old. Both of the methods are completely safe and their benefits vary individually. If it is possible to choose between the two treatments, the non-contact Flow-method is primarily recommended.
If you want to know which operation suits you best, come to the KSA primary health care"s eye control, we are more than happy to help you.
Read more in Finnish: http://www.silmalaserleikkaus.fi/matrix-lasik