Items That Should Be Included in All Emergency Supply Kits
Perhaps the most important items that should be placed in the emergency supply kits that you are preparing for your home, vehicle, and workplace are items that hold a significant nutritional value. The first item that you should ensure that your kit has is water. It is important to make certain that each person that will use the kit during an emergency has at least one gallon of water for each day that the kit will be put to use. However, if you a nursing mother will be using the kit, someone with pre-existing medical conditions will be using the kit, or if you live in a region that is considered to be relatively hot and humid, you may want to add additional sources of water. It is important to ensure that there is water for drinking and personal hygiene.
In addition to water, you must include food in your emergency kits. It is best to choose foods that are designed for emergencies. These foods come prepackaged and require little to no preparation. Branches of the military often use this type of food in the field. There are many different flavors, styles, and types available. You should always make sure that you do not include foods that will increase your thirst level, require a lot of water and other items in order to be prepared, or require special devices. It is also important to ensure that you consider the dietary needs of each individual that will be using the emergency supply kits. It is ideal to ensure that the food supply that you have is appropriate for three to seven days for each individual that will be using the emergency kits.
Basic Needs
In addition to nutrition, it is important to ensure that you include basic items that you may require during an emergency. These items should include first aid supplies, emergency lighting, emergency radios, items needed for sanitation and personal hygiene needs, items that will assist in providing shelter, as well as items that may help to create a fire for warmth and cooking. Many individuals elect to pack up extra clothing, blankets, and other types of protective clothing and items that may protect the body during an emergency. In the event of a disaster or other type of situation, it is imperative to ensure that your <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4858619');" href="/links/?u=">emergency supply kits</a> have all of the items that you will need to live, thrive, and survive.