Check Train Availability to Ensure Your Train Ticket
There are different types of trains running in India. Some are very fast with a few stoppages, while others are slow with a stoppage at every station. Duronto Express and Rajdhani Express are the fastest trains in India. Rajdhani Express has a speed of 120 km/hr. They have a very few stops and connect all the major cities to New Delhi, the capital of India. Then, there is the Shatabdi Express consisting of intercity trains. All these trains are fully air conditioned. Super-fast trains run at an average speed of 55 km/hr. Most common trains in India are the express trains, which have stoppages at major stations. Passenger and suburban trains are slowest of all with stops at every station. To ensure your train journey, always check the train availability before you book tickets in trains.
On some routes where the trains are in great demand, you find a number of daily, bi-weekly and weekly trains offering service. On other routes, on the other hand, you will find less number of trains running. There are always a large number of trains connecting the major stations of the country.
Trains in India used to have a four-digit code number in the past, but now with the increase in number, they have a five-digit code number. The first digit states whether it is a special, express or passenger train. The second digit indicates in which zone it is operating and the third one stands for the division under the zone. The last two digits are the serial numbers of the train. Trains running on the same route, but in opposite directions, usually have consecutive numbers.
Booking of tickets in the Indian Railways is possible 60 days prior to the date of the journey. Even then many of the passengers fail to get a reservation in the train, especially during the vacation and festival times. The government is trying to combat this problem by introducing new trains every year, running special holiday trains during the peak times, increasing the number of coaches in the trains, extending the existing routes of the trains, etc.
After checking the train availability if you do not get a confirmed ticket, you are put in the Waiting List. If the ticket is under the scheme called RAC, or Reservation against Cancellation, you get a reservation done in case any cancellations are made. If you do not get a reservation, 2 people are offered to share a single seat, usually a side berth. There is also an option called Tatkal available now. Some seats on the train are reserved under this scheme, where you can book your ticket one day in advance to the date of the journey. This is extremely useful in case of emergency when all the seats of the train are filled up.
On some routes where the trains are in great demand, you find a number of daily, bi-weekly and weekly trains offering service. On other routes, on the other hand, you will find less number of trains running. There are always a large number of trains connecting the major stations of the country.
Trains in India used to have a four-digit code number in the past, but now with the increase in number, they have a five-digit code number. The first digit states whether it is a special, express or passenger train. The second digit indicates in which zone it is operating and the third one stands for the division under the zone. The last two digits are the serial numbers of the train. Trains running on the same route, but in opposite directions, usually have consecutive numbers.
Booking of tickets in the Indian Railways is possible 60 days prior to the date of the journey. Even then many of the passengers fail to get a reservation in the train, especially during the vacation and festival times. The government is trying to combat this problem by introducing new trains every year, running special holiday trains during the peak times, increasing the number of coaches in the trains, extending the existing routes of the trains, etc.
After checking the train availability if you do not get a confirmed ticket, you are put in the Waiting List. If the ticket is under the scheme called RAC, or Reservation against Cancellation, you get a reservation done in case any cancellations are made. If you do not get a reservation, 2 people are offered to share a single seat, usually a side berth. There is also an option called Tatkal available now. Some seats on the train are reserved under this scheme, where you can book your ticket one day in advance to the date of the journey. This is extremely useful in case of emergency when all the seats of the train are filled up.