The Best Life Week - Spirituality 101 - Show Recap
Original Air Date:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Live Your Best Spiritual Life:
Oprah welcomed spiritual advisors Elizabeth Lesser, Rev. Ed Bacon and Rev. Michael Beckwith to discuss Spirituality 101 for the third day of the Best Life Week.
Oprah began by defining how she sees spirituality as separate from religion. To Oprah, spirituality is a way to feel more connected, present and alive in your own journey.
Through the years Oprah has had many aha moments that have helped her to understand why she is really here. After she expressed her view on spirituality, Oprah passed the same question along to the panel.
Rev. Bacon defined spirituality as a connection to something greater than ourselves that allows us to be healed, forgiven and healed - to be fully alive. Having a spiritual life is an experience of being unconditionally loved.
Elizabeth Lesser explained spirituality as an instinct - something that humans instinctually desire like shelter and water. According to Elizabeth, being spiritual is grasping the idea that there is more than meets the eye, there is something greater out there - and we need to have the fearlessness to look for what that means to us.
Rev. Beckwith described spirituality as connecting to the eternal qualities of love, peace, harmony and wisdom - being “in the spirit” and feeling the genuine essence of the virtue.
Oprah expressed to the viewers that when you fully realize you are more than a body, but a spiritual being who is having this human experience, your purpose becomes greater than carrying on your story line.
Oprah went on to share that when you grasp the fact that because you were born, you have a right to be here - a calling in your life - you then can live your life without fear because you know, no matter what, you will be alright.
Skype Question - Tanya’s Failing Business:
Tanya from Pennsylvania asked the panel, “How do you have hope when everything around you in falling apart?” Tanya and her husband used all of the savings they had to open a bakery business, which is now failing and Tanya is afraid of what she will do if her business goes under.
Elizabeth pointed out to Tanya that she needs to let go of the thought that "this isn't supposed to happen to me" because new life only comes when things change. Rev. Beckwith advised Tanya to focus on what is working in her life right now, as Oprah pointed out that "if you think you have nothing, start with your breath."
Difficult times, According to Rev. Beckwith, "call us to develop qualities that we didn't have before." Instead of seeing the struggle as a gift, most people just want it to be over and miss the opportunity for growth. Rev. Bacon quoted the song that states, "it's the end of the world as we now it, and I feel fine" and encouraged Tanya to "let the old die" because what will come is "better than you have ever imagined."
Spiritual Teachers - Monica :
The first real-life spiritual teacher for Oprah to look back on was Monica George - the "warrior mom" who was interviewed by Jenny McCarthy on the September 24, 2008 show. 3 days after giving birth to her second daughter, Monica found out she would have to have both her arms and legs amputated to save her from a flesh-eating disease that had taken over her body. Without hesitation, Monica went ahead with the surgery and charged through rehabilitation, just wanting to get home to her husband and daughters. Monica's "why me" breakdown never came - she wanted to show her girls that their mother is a fighter.
Skype Question - Caroline's Search for Fulfillment:
Caroline asked the panel to help her figure out how to feel fulfilled in her life as a wife and stay-at-home mother of 12 years who gave up her career to raise her family.
Rev. Beckwith explained that Caroline is in search of a part of herself not identified with wife or mother. Instead of going through life motivated by self or others, Rev. Beckwith encouraged Caroline to do everything, even the mundane, for the sacred, the divine - everything for growth.
Elizabeth, as a mother, related to Caroline's struggle and pointed out that if she is not fulfilled, she will have less to give her kids - she needs balance.
Spiritual Teachers - John Diaz:
Oprah has told the story of John Diaz many times since he visited the show on January 31, 2007 - the man who survived a plane explosion and shared the story of what he saw. Oprah asked John if he thought his being saved was divine; answering no, he described his experience. While he felt his quick thinking and position on the plane saved him, he explained that as he exited the plane, what he saw looked like Dante's Inferno - bodies burning, strapped to their seats. Rising up from the bodies were what John called auras, some people with brighter ones than others.
John's feeling was that the brightness or dimness of the auras depended on how one lived their life. This experience changed John to want to live a life to make his aura bright. Rev. Beckwith followed up the story saying that when we die, we leave our body temple to go to the next dimension; and that the clothing we wear when we go are the thoughts, actions and intentions we had while we lived our life on earth.
Skype Question - Nikki's Anger with God:
25 year-old Nikki from New York Skyped in to talk to the panel about her anger with God due to her mother dying of cancer. Nikki couldn't understand why God would put her younger siblings through such a loss.
Rev. Beckwith pointed out that Nikki had been living as if her mother had already passed away; making her miss out on the time she still has to connect with her mother and siblings. Elizabeth encouraged Nikki to let herself grieve and fully experience her feelings - even in front of her siblings - to model for them what it means to love.
Spiritual Teachers - Jacqui Saburido:
Oprah recalled another past guest, a real-life spiritual teacher, Jacqui Saburido, who at 19 survived a car accident where she was hit by a drunk driver. 60% of Jacqui's body was burned in the accident, and after 40 surgeries, she is still unrecognizable - her face completely scarred. On the November 25, 2003 show, Oprah met with Jacqui who described how every day is a struggle; but that she is still happy she survived the accident because she has so much more to do with her life.
Skype Question - Sedrick's Feeling of Isolation:
Sedrick, a 33 year-old from Georgia, explained that being gay and isolated caused him to act out with destructive behavior starting at 17 - leading to an addiction to debt. Sedrick is ready to end the cycle, but needed help from the panel to figure out how.
The panel showed Sedrick that his behavior was a way to feel alive since he was hiding his true self. Rev. Bacon stated that being gay is a gift from God and that Sedrick needs community to make life mean something.
Spiritual Teachers - Mattie Stepanek:
Oprah ended the show by showing a clip from one of her favorite spiritual teachers - Mattie Stepanek - from 2001. Mattie, who passed away from muscular dystrophy in 2004, was a NYT bestselling author who wrote poetry of Heartsongs, or the "message in my heart." The show ended with Mattie reading a poem titled "When I Die."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
- Elizabeth Lesser
- Reverend Ed Bacon
- Reverend Doctor Michael Beckwith
Live Your Best Spiritual Life:
Oprah welcomed spiritual advisors Elizabeth Lesser, Rev. Ed Bacon and Rev. Michael Beckwith to discuss Spirituality 101 for the third day of the Best Life Week.
Oprah began by defining how she sees spirituality as separate from religion. To Oprah, spirituality is a way to feel more connected, present and alive in your own journey.
Through the years Oprah has had many aha moments that have helped her to understand why she is really here. After she expressed her view on spirituality, Oprah passed the same question along to the panel.
Rev. Bacon defined spirituality as a connection to something greater than ourselves that allows us to be healed, forgiven and healed - to be fully alive. Having a spiritual life is an experience of being unconditionally loved.
Elizabeth Lesser explained spirituality as an instinct - something that humans instinctually desire like shelter and water. According to Elizabeth, being spiritual is grasping the idea that there is more than meets the eye, there is something greater out there - and we need to have the fearlessness to look for what that means to us.
Rev. Beckwith described spirituality as connecting to the eternal qualities of love, peace, harmony and wisdom - being “in the spirit” and feeling the genuine essence of the virtue.
Oprah expressed to the viewers that when you fully realize you are more than a body, but a spiritual being who is having this human experience, your purpose becomes greater than carrying on your story line.
Oprah went on to share that when you grasp the fact that because you were born, you have a right to be here - a calling in your life - you then can live your life without fear because you know, no matter what, you will be alright.
Skype Question - Tanya’s Failing Business:
Tanya from Pennsylvania asked the panel, “How do you have hope when everything around you in falling apart?” Tanya and her husband used all of the savings they had to open a bakery business, which is now failing and Tanya is afraid of what she will do if her business goes under.
Elizabeth pointed out to Tanya that she needs to let go of the thought that "this isn't supposed to happen to me" because new life only comes when things change. Rev. Beckwith advised Tanya to focus on what is working in her life right now, as Oprah pointed out that "if you think you have nothing, start with your breath."
Difficult times, According to Rev. Beckwith, "call us to develop qualities that we didn't have before." Instead of seeing the struggle as a gift, most people just want it to be over and miss the opportunity for growth. Rev. Bacon quoted the song that states, "it's the end of the world as we now it, and I feel fine" and encouraged Tanya to "let the old die" because what will come is "better than you have ever imagined."
Spiritual Teachers - Monica :
The first real-life spiritual teacher for Oprah to look back on was Monica George - the "warrior mom" who was interviewed by Jenny McCarthy on the September 24, 2008 show. 3 days after giving birth to her second daughter, Monica found out she would have to have both her arms and legs amputated to save her from a flesh-eating disease that had taken over her body. Without hesitation, Monica went ahead with the surgery and charged through rehabilitation, just wanting to get home to her husband and daughters. Monica's "why me" breakdown never came - she wanted to show her girls that their mother is a fighter.
Skype Question - Caroline's Search for Fulfillment:
Caroline asked the panel to help her figure out how to feel fulfilled in her life as a wife and stay-at-home mother of 12 years who gave up her career to raise her family.
Rev. Beckwith explained that Caroline is in search of a part of herself not identified with wife or mother. Instead of going through life motivated by self or others, Rev. Beckwith encouraged Caroline to do everything, even the mundane, for the sacred, the divine - everything for growth.
Elizabeth, as a mother, related to Caroline's struggle and pointed out that if she is not fulfilled, she will have less to give her kids - she needs balance.
Spiritual Teachers - John Diaz:
Oprah has told the story of John Diaz many times since he visited the show on January 31, 2007 - the man who survived a plane explosion and shared the story of what he saw. Oprah asked John if he thought his being saved was divine; answering no, he described his experience. While he felt his quick thinking and position on the plane saved him, he explained that as he exited the plane, what he saw looked like Dante's Inferno - bodies burning, strapped to their seats. Rising up from the bodies were what John called auras, some people with brighter ones than others.
John's feeling was that the brightness or dimness of the auras depended on how one lived their life. This experience changed John to want to live a life to make his aura bright. Rev. Beckwith followed up the story saying that when we die, we leave our body temple to go to the next dimension; and that the clothing we wear when we go are the thoughts, actions and intentions we had while we lived our life on earth.
Skype Question - Nikki's Anger with God:
25 year-old Nikki from New York Skyped in to talk to the panel about her anger with God due to her mother dying of cancer. Nikki couldn't understand why God would put her younger siblings through such a loss.
Rev. Beckwith pointed out that Nikki had been living as if her mother had already passed away; making her miss out on the time she still has to connect with her mother and siblings. Elizabeth encouraged Nikki to let herself grieve and fully experience her feelings - even in front of her siblings - to model for them what it means to love.
Spiritual Teachers - Jacqui Saburido:
Oprah recalled another past guest, a real-life spiritual teacher, Jacqui Saburido, who at 19 survived a car accident where she was hit by a drunk driver. 60% of Jacqui's body was burned in the accident, and after 40 surgeries, she is still unrecognizable - her face completely scarred. On the November 25, 2003 show, Oprah met with Jacqui who described how every day is a struggle; but that she is still happy she survived the accident because she has so much more to do with her life.
Skype Question - Sedrick's Feeling of Isolation:
Sedrick, a 33 year-old from Georgia, explained that being gay and isolated caused him to act out with destructive behavior starting at 17 - leading to an addiction to debt. Sedrick is ready to end the cycle, but needed help from the panel to figure out how.
The panel showed Sedrick that his behavior was a way to feel alive since he was hiding his true self. Rev. Bacon stated that being gay is a gift from God and that Sedrick needs community to make life mean something.
Spiritual Teachers - Mattie Stepanek:
Oprah ended the show by showing a clip from one of her favorite spiritual teachers - Mattie Stepanek - from 2001. Mattie, who passed away from muscular dystrophy in 2004, was a NYT bestselling author who wrote poetry of Heartsongs, or the "message in my heart." The show ended with Mattie reading a poem titled "When I Die."