Top 10 Conservative Columnists
With so many great conservative columnists and writers in the world today, it can be hard to know who to read. This list offers a mix of writers with different writing styles ranging from the serious to the humorous. Each of the columnists here write on a number of issues important to conservatives including economics and the free market, foreign policy, American politics, and current events. Feel free to bookmark this list to keep this mix of authors handy. Also be sure to check out our Top Conservative Movies and Top Conservative Websites lists for a deeper look into conservatism.
One of the most successful new media entrepreneurs, Malkin pens a regular column that focuses on corruption within government, cronyism, illegal immigration, and general left-wing malfeasance.In 2012, she started, which also made the list of top conservative and tea party websites for 2012. Malkin also serves as a leading voice against the establishment within the Republican Party and enthusiastically promotes tea party candidates to battle entrenched moderate incumbents.More »
Thomas Sowell is an American economist, professor, and widely-read political thinker. His writings focus on economics, racial politics, and education, often intertwining the three subjects. Sowell is also a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, a Stanford University based conservative-libertarian think-tank focusing on free markets and personal freedom.Style Excerpt: “People who lack the skills to take on more prestigious jobs can either remain idle and live as parasites on others or take the jobs for which they are currently qualified, and then move up the ladder as they acquire more experience.”More »
•Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson, a military historian, is one of the most prolific conservative writers today, often churning out multiple columns per week. His writings tend to focus on international themes, modern warfare, and the Obama presidency. Style Sampling: “ It is not that we need social networking and Internet searches more than food and fuel, but rather that we have the impression that cool zillionaires in flipflops are good while uncool ones in wingtips are quite bad.”More »•Mark Steyn
Regular listeners of the Rush Limbaugh radio show will be familiar with Mark Steyn, a regular fill in host for the country’s most listened to talk show. A Canadian citizen who resides in the US, Steyn regularly opines on American exceptionalism, European statism, jihadism, and the Obama administration. Steyn also employs a unique writing style that makes his columns both informative and entertaining.More »•Michelle Malkin
One of the most successful new media entrepreneurs, Malkin pens a regular column that focuses on corruption within government, cronyism, illegal immigration, and general left-wing malfeasance.In 2012, she started, which also made the list of top conservative and tea party websites for 2012. Malkin also serves as a leading voice against the establishment within the Republican Party and enthusiastically promotes tea party candidates to battle entrenched moderate incumbents.More »
•Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell is an American economist, professor, and widely-read political thinker. His writings focus on economics, racial politics, and education, often intertwining the three subjects. Sowell is also a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, a Stanford University based conservative-libertarian think-tank focusing on free markets and personal freedom.Style Excerpt: “People who lack the skills to take on more prestigious jobs can either remain idle and live as parasites on others or take the jobs for which they are currently qualified, and then move up the ladder as they acquire more experience.”More »