Blog Success - Common Do"s and Don"ts For Successful Blogging
It is important to be aware of them.
There are some customs, strategies, and conventions that are unique to building a successful blog.
There is a certain etiquette on some items involved in is very important to have a clear concept of what is commonly practiced and condone and that which is frowned upon.
Here is a list of some common do's and don'ts in the world of blogs: Do: 1.
Name or structure your blog so people can determine the topic at a glance.
For instance, my blog is about helping people in recovery from addiction.
The title is Addiction recovery Basics.
People know what a glance whether to Read on or Move On.
Be honest and have a point of view.
People become fans of blogs because of the authors' point of view, they may either agree or disagree but they are not left in doubt where the author is coming from.
Post regularly.
It is very important a constant flow of commentary or information.
Nothing will sink a blog more quickly than having no new content posted, people will leave and not come back.
Stick with one topic per post.
Do not try to address multiple issues in one writing.
Also make sure of that theme and topic of your blog stays consistent.
If your blog is about dog training he would not be wise to suddenly start making political commentary.
Contact other people in your niche.
It is very productive not to view other people in your niche writing about a common topic as competition, but rather as fellow enthusiasts.
You have an opportunity to meet people that share your common passion, often strong alliances can grow out of this social interaction.
Don't: 1.
Don't be like everybody else.
Try to stand out and be unique in some way.
Posting unique, original content with a distinct point of view is what will draw loyal readers to your blog.
Don't make it difficult for readers to post a comment.
Make sure you post, moderate, and respond to comments.
A key concept of writing a blog is to have reader interactivity if you are fortunate enough to have visitors commenting on your writing please have the courtesy to respond to them.
People like to be heard and validated.
Don't violate other peoples' copyrights.
If you are referring to other peoples' work make sure to give them credit and a link.
Not only is it the legal, but it is the right thing to do.
Don't try to hide.
Make sure you have contact information clearly visible on your site.
You should want to stand behind your work and take responsibility for your views.
Don't focus on yourself.
People want to hear about the topic they're interested in not a bunch of self-promoting.
If you focus on what your visitor is looking for you will be much better off.
It is difficult in such a short article to even begin to address the basics of what makes a good blog.
It is strongly recommended that if you intend to stand out from the crowd with your blog, you get some professional training and guidance.
There is some great training available on the Internet.