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Kneading the pizza mixture: Kneading will let air mix with your pizza dough mixture. You should knead the pizza dough only until it reaches the proper consistency: the dough doesn't stick to the container and individual portions can be stretched without breaking. Over-kneading will result in brittle pizza dough. While kneading the dough, use flour to prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands and the bowl, but use as little flour as possible.
Before you go overboard with the, most of the other ingredients used offer you lots of fat. Go lighter on the cheese and add more veggies to your pizza. Limit yourself to once a week or alternate it with other Italian dishes famous for their tomato sauce.
Now obviously eating healthy has some benefits too. But if you are struggling to lose weight, start by focusing primarily on how much you eat. Worry about cleaning up your diet after you have lost the weight. Don't you think losing all that excess body fat will make you a lot healthier anyway?
Outside of Italy, Argentina may well be the second best place for Italian food, especially pizza. Over sixty per cent of Buenos Aires' residents are of Italian descent, which is evidenced by the massive number of pizzerias lining the city's beautiful streets. But America may be a close second or third also.
Pizza restaurants are also called pizzerias. In USA, you may hear pizza parlor or pizza shop. Big Pizza restaurants now offer a buffet for lunch rush in order to serve people quickly. pizza hut. This also helps when you have a group of people that have very different tastes in how they pizza should be garnished. If you have some hearty eaters in your family this can also help to reduce the cost of food while you dine out.
The chosen ingredients are spread upon the bread and placed into a fuel burning oven for roughly ten minutes. When it finally comes out, it is served to eager foodies who greatly enjoy partaking in anything different and flavorful.
The word pizza was originally spelt as "pitsa" Americans eat billions of slices of pizza every year; in fact the annual per capita pizza consumption is 23 pounds!