Learn How You Can Have More Than Enough of Everything You Need
This is because society works that way.
By generating discontent, it encourages us to work harder to spend more.
Isn't it time you got off that particular little merry-go-round? The strategy of the modern world is to persuade you of a lack of sufficiency.
We never have enough.
Not enough to pay the rent, the mortgage, the bills, the shopping, the clothes we want, etc.
This list could go on.
Even when we are reasonably well off, we still seem to have this little voice in our heads telling us it's not enough.
Where does this come from? Well, believe it or not, discontent is built into the system.
That's the way the world goes round, but you don't have to feel that way.
In Matthew 13.
23 we read "But what was sown on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it.
He produces a crop , yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
" This is not the philosophy of never having enough.
This is the philosophy of always having more, much more, than we need.
In order for you to have more than you need, there are two things that need to happen.
First your supply has to go up, your "crop" has to have a good yield.
Secondly your needs must be brought under control, you must recognise sufficiency when you have it.
If you never know when you have had enough (of anything) then your faith walk needs re-energising.
In the same chapter Jesus explains to his disciples that while most people look and hear, they do not see and do not understand.
In this way most people miss the benefits of God's law.
By seeing and understanding, wisdom grows.
With new wisdom comes a containment of need.
You see clearly what is important in your life and what is not, and you never need any more than that.
Add to that a sowing of seeds, a course of work which is blessed by God, which will yield the right amount of harvest, and you have the conditions necessary for sufficiency.
So to summarise: 1) Read God's word with open ears, open eyes and above all an open mind.
2) Keep reading, praying, submitting to preaching until you understand it 3) Work hard in the ways of the Lord and with prayer so that you can be blessed.
This does not mean you have to change your job.
Most jobs, if they are ethical, can become a blessing to you.
The full sufficiency of God's kingdom can be yours.
It can happen in an instant or it may take years of dedicated worship depending on where you are in your faith today.
But be steadfast in your faith, and you will soon find all your needs met.