Enlargement Devices For the Penis
Obviously, forcing the penis in an unnatural position or putting too much pressure or strain on it can pull ligaments and cause a variety of problems.
Therefore, it is important to choose any such device carefully so you get the results wanted but without causing temporary or permanent damage.
While you can find enlargement devices through a doctor, they are also sold online.
Typically, companies selling personal items such as this handle the transaction and shipping in confidence.
The good thing is that your package would arrive at your doorstep in a plain package so no one would have any idea that you just ordered a penis enlargement device.
The most popular type of enlargement device for the penis is more often known as a "penis extender".
This device attaches to the head of the penis, then gently pulling and stretching the shaft.
Although the penis is not actually a muscle, there are muscles that attach to the penis, which help to produce an erection along with expanded blood vessels due to increased blood flow.
Therefore, a pulling device stretches the muscles connecting to the penis while also helping to improve blood flow.
One particular product called The Penis Enlarger is actually considered safe and effective and has been researched in a variety of clinical studies.
With this, the penis is actually put through traction on a regular basis, which causes cells within the penis shaft to divide and then multiply.
When this happens, tissue mass increases and the girth of the penis become obvious.
A primary benefit to this enlargement device for the penis is that not only is more girth achieved but also length and the results are permanent.
You could try another product called The Penis Pump.
This enlargement device for the penis is slightly different in that it pumps the penis using a cylinder and vacuum, thereby pulling on the penis with pressure.
With this, more fluids are drawn into the penis and blood flow increases so the penis becomes larger.
Some men have seen lasting results while others only get temporary benefits.
What happens with most of the enlargement devices for the penis is that the penile shaft or chamber begins to fill with blood, which increases size.
However, most devices also cause water and cellular fluid to fill the chamber and skin, which also helps.
Often, when using something like The Penis Pump, the penis would have a rubbery appearance because of the excess fluid.
When the penis is enlarged using a device such as this, the results are only temporary, usually two to three hours.
Finally, hanging weights are also used as an enlargement device for the penis.
For this, a special loop is attacked to the head of the penis, which is then attached to weights.
Literally, the weights are allowed to suspend from the penis, which helps to stretch it.
The most important thing when using an enlargement device that involves free-standing weights should be light and designed only for enlarging the penis.
Otherwise, the entire penis could end up permanently damaged.