How To Handle A Defiant Child: Know The Parenting Style You Need
Watch What He's Watching!: It is very crucial that you know the kinds of shows your child watches. It is not enough that you tell him; especially that there are a lot of shows that demonstrate violence, defiance, aggression, confrontations, physical and verbal abuse, and so many other negative elements that could trigger a defiant and abusive behavior in your child. What you can do is watch with him and make sure you do not let your child feel that you are there to monitor his shows but just to relax and have a comfortable chat with him. That way, he will appreciate the company and at the same time, force himself to have self-discipline by regulating his shows to watch.
Resist Fighting With Your Child: Although it may be very difficult to resist not yelling at a child who shows opposition and defiance, it is very crucial that you realize when to draw the line. If it is just a very trivial issue, then you might as well not dwell on it so much. Focus your energies on the ones that require more attention. That way, you reduce your child's tendency to be defiant all the time.
Rewards Vs. Punishments: Another helpful way of how to handle a defiant child is to reward your child with praises. Praise him for al the significant milestones in his life however simple and small they may be. Doing so will mean a lot to your child. On the other hand, keep away from giving punishments. It is enough that you communicate to him the possible consequences of his actions beforehand. If he fails, then he should be responsible enough to stand by his mistakes. The most important thing there is that he will learn something from it and that he has control over his life. The instant you make him see these, you will surely see great improvements in his behaviours.
Be Loving And Gentle: Nothing can ever beat love and gentleness when it comes to finding out about how to handle a defiant child. The gentler and loving you are to your child, you can be certain that the more you will be able to trim down his defenses and defiance. More often than not, it only takes a change in the parents' parenting style that can help the child become liberated from ODD. Communication, love, kindness, gentleness, support and understanding - these are the most essential elements of a parenting style that will work for an ODD diagnosed child. If you lack one, make sure you include them in your parenting.
Are you frustrated and exhausted from arguing constantly with an oppositional, defiant child? Do you "walk on eggshells" around your child, avoiding conflicts that will "set him off?" Have you tried everything to stop the hostility, anger and aggression and all you get is more of it?
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