How to Build a Greenhouse Using Plastic Pipe
- 1). Lay out the base of the frame on smooth level ground, using the 12 foot 10 inch pipes as the sides and the 11 1/2 foot pipes as the front and back.
- 2). Slide 3 slip Ts onto each of the side pipes, spacing them three feet from each end and three feet apart.
- 3). Connect the corners of the base with the 3-way connectors, making sure the third opening is pointing up.
- 4). Drive 5 stakes into the ground along the two sides of the frame, one next to each connector. Leave about 2 inches of the stake above ground.
- 5). Slide two slip Ts onto the centers of three of the 19 foot pipes, which will serve as the middle arches of the frame.
- 6). Slide a slip T onto the centers of the remaining two 19 foot pipes, which will be the end arches.
- 7). Place the ends of the two end arches into the openings of the 3-way connectors at the front and back of the frame, bending them upward so they fit.
- 8). Install the ends of the three center arches into the slip Ts on either of the sides.
- 9). Connect the front arch to the second arch by inserting a 3 foot length of pipe in the slip T at the center of the front arch. Connect the other end of the 3 foot pipe to one of the slip Ts in the second arch. Connect the rest of the arches in the same way.
- 10
Drape the large vinyl sheet over the top of the frame so that it hangs over equally on each side. - 11
Secure the large vinyl sheet to the arches using Snap Clamps placed 8 to 10 inches apart. - 12
Cover the front end with the two 6 1/2 foot 6 by 7 foot vinyl sheets, overlapping them by about 6 inches. Attach with Snap Clamps. - 13
Cover the back end with the 12 1/2 foot by 7 foot vinyl sheet. Attach with Snap Clamps. - 14
Glue any fittings that are loose, or secure them with a self-tapping screw. - 15
Tie the frame securely to the stakes with rope.